Sora felt hurt inside, seeing how uncomfortable his sister was acting. That's why he needed to battle. That's why he needed to win. If he were to win, then he could wish for Rui and him to be like a REAL brother and sister again: playful, loving and caring. He needed to win, although he had absolutely no idea how he was supposed to do that. Now that he was thinking about it, what was the reason that his sister wanted to battle? He had never asked and he wasn't going to either, because if he did ask, he had to tell her his wish and he was NOT ready to talk about it with her of all people. [color=cornflowerblue]"I'm sorry. I'm just not good at games like these, so they frustrate me. Thank you for helping me with my deck, I'm sure I'll be able to become better with your help."[/color] He said with a wink, faking happiness. [color=cornflowerblue]"I... I had a weird night with that girl, Natsuko. But let's not talk about that."[/color] Wolf started to chuckling. [color=springgreen]"They are in looooooove."[/color] He pretended his usual playfulness, but inside worrying about that girl's obsession over Sora. However, Sora couldn't laugh with the joke and gave Wolf an angry look. [color=cornflowerblue]"Let's go home."[/color] Wolf said, shocked by his own willingness to go home to that hell.