[@Chev] [color=fdc68a][h3][center]Titanius [sub][M-3][/sub][/center][/h3] [/color] Taking the device carefully, Titanius began his analysis of the device. Suitably advanced, he had no problem interfacing with the device, his liquid metal quickly hardening into the correct connections to plug in. As he quickly scanned the machine he was careful to make sure none of his assimilation protocols activated or he risked damaging the scanner. It didn't take long for his machine mind to understand how the machine worked, though truly understanding the data itself would take time; thankfully, all he really needed to do was find a way to get the data to be holographically projected so then the expert on the theories could get to work. The machine part of his mind quickly scanned through the applications of the device until it found the holographic processing unit. The unit was different than others he had seen before but it was no problem for his processes to adapt to the alien tech and then modify it for easier access. With a simple binary code change, the holographic projects turned on and lit up the space in front of him with a very strange map. He knew what it was supposed to be but without some baseline knowledge he was unable to determine what exactly the map showed so he scanned for any keys of ledgers that might shine some light on the subject while he waited for the others to find what they were looking for. [color=fdc68a]"Now, whenever you need it, it should be as easy as flipping a switch, this switch to be precise."[/color] Titanius pointed to a small switch to the side of the scanner.