[@Thinslayer] As they traversed the labyrinth, Afki raised her waterskin to her mouth, taking care to only drink a sip. The sounds of footsteps echoed throughout the hall they traveled in. It was strange that there were no monsters, but Afki wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth and was glad for the intermission. It meant there was more time to enjoy the sights and explore. Right now, she was having the time of her life, though she did feel a bit bad when she saw some of the others in the group getting sick. Still, it was always a risk coming into dangerous places like the West Pelinese Labyrinth, and everyone here knew that. "Hmm? Oh, well, I always did like a bit of adventure, and unexplored areas like this are perfect places to find adventures!" Afki responded, her tail swishing around in excitement. She practically skipped with joy and her eyes lit up with excitement as she continued, "I mean, who knows what you could find here? Gold, artifacts, powerful weapons and armor, you know. The money just follows when you do a job like this. Or at least, that's what I'd like to think happens. It's not every day you find something valuable, but at least I have fun doing this, and that's the important thing."