Arty let go of the asari's hand and turned abruptly as the green-clothed quarian stormed in bitching about the service downstairs. He watched her as she plopped down irritably on the couch and demanded to know he was. He had no trouble believing management had gave her a hard time. He had never really spoken with a quarian before but he was well aware of the discrimination they faced across the galaxy. [color=lightblue]"Well you're a right fire cracker, aren't ya?"[/color] he asked with a smirk. [color=lightblue]"That's good, we might need some of that. Name's Arthur Dow, my friends call me Arty."[/color] He nodded to the newcomers as they trickled in. Arty glanced at Lantea as she turned to speak to him.[color=CF61E1]”Nevermind, different Quarian with a green rag. But what she said, what’s your shtick? Not regular military or cop, they don’t let those grow big, beautiful beards like that. Does your helmet even seal properly?”[/color] Arty stroked his curly beard, nodding his appreciation of her compliment. Then he snorted at her last question. [color=lightblue]"I did a stint with the navy and you're right, I had to be as clean shaven as the day I was born. It was bloody dreadful. I work the private sector now. I have a talent for spotting things and getting information out of people. As for my abilites.."[/color] he trailed off and held up his hand, willing a blue wisp into existence and danced it around his fingers. [color=lightblue]"I'm a biotic, like yourself. Though less making people levitate from a distance and more launching them into the ceiling. Up close and personal."[/color] he said, curling his fingers into a fist that pulsated with blue energy. He let the energy fade away and turned to greet the newcomers. [color=lightblue]"Oh and I don't wear a helmet. The only place I'd need it is the void of space. And I don't make a habit of taking orbital walks."[/color] Arty chirped cheekily over his shoulder. He approached the only other human in the room first and introduced himself in a quick but friendly manner. She seemed nice enough, though if she was here Arty knew that meant she was incredibly dangerous. And jumpy, it turned out, as she reacted quite dramatically to the vorcha that had just walked into the room. Not that Arty could blame her. The only vorcha he had encountered were blood pack and they were never thrilled to see him. He seemed friendly though. What an odd crew so far. Finally, Arty turned to the Turian, Sivus. He listened to the turian's introduction and grinned.[color=lightblue]"Very succinctly put, mate. I get the feeling we'll get along just dandy. Arthur Dow, a pleasure."[/color] Arty said suavely as they shook hands. [@Starlance][@metanoia][@DrRtron]