Violet would listen as Walker would try to make his inclusion based on her opinion. As she heard him talk, she remembered a term used in comics from her world, A "tsundere". Walker seemed like he was playing hard to get. It probably wasn't accurate but it was a fun idea to play around with. Violet would playfully lean towards Walker, [color=violet]Awwww Walker, is that your way of saying you want to join us?[/color] She'd let out a chuckle and continue. [color=violet]If you'll leave it up to me then I'd be happy to have you with us.[/color] She'd give a curtsy as a way to welcome her already accepted teammate. [color=darkviolet]He's rough around the edges at times but he's still got plenty of worth to him.[/color] She'd raise her head to look at Walker, [color=violet]Your realism helps keep me grounded so to speak. As long as you can put up with my 'outbursts' then I think we can be a great pair![/color] She'd look over as Jasper spoke up. [color=violet]I did notice you seemed a bit distracted. We're you expecting them to lead us to town? Sure they could take the glory, no matter how undeserved it is, but a little extra security wouldn't hurt.[/color] She tried to think about how Jasper felt about this. Given how distracted he was, she couldn't tell if it was impatience or fear. Both seemed rather unlikely, given Jasper's character, but still, something that needed to be considered. [color=violet]So should we be ready for a fight when these people show up or will things go smoothly for the most part?[/color] Violet wasn't ready to fight now and if the enemy's size is to be taken at face value, they could easily end up surrounded. The better question would be what to do should they get captured. True she could 'say' that she and Walker give up on their quest should they force the topic, but what if they say to 'kill the rabbit and let go of the string'? Her hands would be tied then. The best she can hope for is to follow those two across the bridge and hope for the best. Violet then had a thought. [color=violet]Hey these people we're waiting for, you don't think Kaath went after them, do you? From what you said, it sounds like she doesn't like them very much, and when she left the cave, she seemed to be in a pretty sour mood. You don't think she's... dealing with them, do you?[/color] She'd been thinking about everything since they left the cave. She'd let her guard down since they were in new scenery and felt like, without the presence of Keepa, she didn't have too much to be afraid of. Wondering about how much she missed or didn't think about, she quickly remembered something she let go of. [color=violet]That guy who ran off when your hand fell on him, was he one of Kedvan's... boys? If so, they could already know we're here and could set up an ambush.[/color] She'd look to the bridge but it looked sturdy enough to not give way under anything minor. [color=violet]Everyone, stay sharp, they could be lying in wait anywhere.[/color]