[h3] Cason [/h3] Cason stepped carefully into the room a bit further, making sure the door was shut behind him, before he walked to the bathroom doorway and leaned against the wall outside as she spoke. He cringed when she mentioned him being so close to her, once again. “I think the right way to handle this situation, typically would be to say…I’m sorry?”, he asked gently, glancing his eyes toward the doorway while he waited for her to confirm. When she continued about needing clothes, he thought pretty hard, narrowing his eyes in thought. “Um…”, he started, raising his eyebrows, “I could go…get you some clothes, I guess. I already have someone headed to get your car as we speak. It should be here in maybe an hour.” He shuffled his feet a bit, and adjusted his stance. Peeking around the door frame, he leaned his face on it, giving her as much puppy eye as he could muster, “…I figured you might want your stuff. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared, and only several seconds later returned with clothes draped over his arm, and a pair of boots in his hand. He didn’t even bother landing in the other room, at this point, just tried his best not to stare as he held the clothes out to her, “All black will suit you, well…"