[quote=@Tank O The Lake] Your character is basically a demigod, so unless he goes entirely braindead, he shouldn't have much of a problem dealing with whatever infestations pop up. My best bet would be to somehow hide the entirety of the infestation until it basically carpets the place when it finally reveals itself. So just play a little whac-a-mole with the tunnels, and you'll be set. [/quote] Question is which character, because Sok is not. Mazius is an actual god, just of a weaker mythological bent, and he's busy atm. Even then you can still kill him. Alna is the major threat in that group, namely because of how powerful his magic is. And Alna isn't even my character, he belongs to Dark Cloud. Besides, none of what you mentioned has anything to do with any of my characters nor what I actually said.