As Snarnorgul smashed into the oversized bear, fat rippling from the savage head-butt, it became a resounding crash that was easily heard over the fields of battle and across town. Snarnorgul's horns dug deeply into the beast’s chest. However, he had not expected the shear layer of fat between him and the creatures bones and organs. Indeed this beast was heaver then he looked, he had underestimated its mass. Had he not prepared his head for the climatic clash, his neck would have been in danger off snapping under such weight. But not all the weight had rested on his head, as its pincers dug deeply into the creatures under arms. He huffed out a steam of breath, momentarily immobilized by the great mass of fat. While Snarnorgul might not have expected such dead weight, Sukoh would not have expected his astounding strength, as well as Snarnorgul's raw intellect or savagery. "Ah, so you possess some girth do you? All the better to satisfy my hunger!" Snarnorgul huffed from bellow the dire animal. "Do you think you can immobilize Snarnorgul the Mighty? You will make a fine meal with the humans here serving as my dessert after!" With that great boast it snapped down both of it's powerful pincers, cutting deeply into the under arms of the bear. The each possessed the strength to tear into metal and steel with ease, such flesh even though thicker than most creatures proved no challenge for them. He aimed his ministrations toward the area of it's triceps, as this was near the point in where the arms joined with the body, there was less fat, but he would still need to dig to reach what he was aiming for. The mind blast had meant to dull the creatures mind so it would be even less likely to note the significance of Snarnorgul place his upper arms under the bears own upper limbs. Assuming it had intelligence on par with a human of course. The pincers would continue to cut into Sukoh's underarms, eventually slicing into and passed it's triceps until it reached the teres tendons underneath. No doubt this would be excruciatingly painful but from this position Sukoh had few means in which to retaliate. Snarnorgul great arms were also still supporting the bulk of the bears weight as the pincers went to work opening and closing, slowly digging deeper. They had not long to go to their goal however, two perhaps three such cuts would sever the tendons there. Which would rob the bear the use of its upper arms, or at least severely limit them. Snarnorgul would be impressed if it could stand on them with all it's weight ever again. Still he could not hold such weight forever, not after the run he had gone through, but long enough to finish his bloody work. If this torture was not enough, the bear had the misfortune of having it's entire lower belly open to any savagery his lower arms minded to dish out. He had soon loosed a storm of cuts upon their collision, slashes, jabs, ripping all cutting deeper and deeper through the formidable hide his counterpart titan possessed. A much slower pace, of course, but much more satisfying, he even golfed down a handful of bear flesh to sate his hunger, if not his blood lust, giving him a momentary second wind. The wet sounds of flesh being torn, and hopefully, the anguished protest of Sukoh created the most beautiful of composition like notes being played on an instrument, and too Snarnorgul twisted mind, it sounded like the most beautiful melody he had ever composed. Unless of course Sukoh managed to avoid this close ranged assaults, pinned as they were. Snarnorgul might not have been able to move at this moment, but why would he want too? Several tons of weight was child's play if he could keep his arms pinned where they were, and Sukoh did not defy gravity to then suddenly spine in the air like a top to break his neck.