Luna Dual System Quadrant XXI Sector 1-21-001 Station 1-21-246-007 Date: 02/26/2391 The Luna Dual System gets its name from the notable dual moon Planet Lunaris orbiting a common yellow star. It is quite the anomaly as both scientists near and far are astounded that it is orbited by two massive moons that seem to collide with each other every million years. Luna I and Luna II both have desired metals used for constructing the hulls of most large spacecraft. Station 1-21-246-007 or Luna Station is one of the first adaptive stations invented by the Depend Corporation. It features the ability to attach and detach segments from the main hub to create more space for more people or spacecraft. It recently underwent additional construction adding on a biodome which would assist in food for the local populace. — “Captain DeBaker,” Hangar Master Henry chuckled to himself, “definitely got himself a keeper… or herself.” He looked at her ID on the computer monitor before turning his gaze to the nameless freighter sitting in the hangar. A paper calendar on the wall next to his setup had a red circle around impound day. The hangar had four large bays. Three were used for the shipping or receiving of goods whilst the last was a temporary storage bay. This bay housed the nameless freighter and the captain was present at its resting place. She was there but in the eyes of the Hangar Master, she wasn’t. A single person couldn’t maintain a freighter. He never spoke directly to her, but they both knew she had 48 hours to get her crew to her ship, get it designated, and have it out of the hangar. — Luna Station never should have even been considered to be a space station. All intentions were to make it a constructed living habitat. It had all the manners of a colony on any planet, aka the social system. The better maintained upper section housed the upper class, while the moderately maintained middle section housed the middle class, and the least maintained lower section housed the lower class people. People used it loosely as mankind met with several other space faring aliens hundreds of years ago. Mankind and aliens didn’t always see eye to eye but they dealt with each other enough as to not be in endless conflict. The security of Luna Station was top notch. There was barely a sliver of underworld activity going on. The only exception to this was a semi-brothel, semi-hotel that welcomed everyone. The local law enforcement wanted to have it shut down, but everyone knows the Macabre family had their hands in keeping it running. The Twilight Horizon was its name, and it was here that most poor captains found cheap crew to operate their spacecraft. A particular group of four were to be found here, or perhaps not.