Having been unable to physically drag the screaming, armour-locked Dr Lang out of the car and into the street, the two ambushers moved to plan B. One produced a small spider of cables connected to a control box - once on her back it began forcing open interface ports to unlock her armour. “Get off me! Why are you doing this?!” Freyr wailed. The other soldier pushed past Dr Lang to stop Dr Girard before they could exit the vehicle. They grabbed the back of the scientist’s armour, then took an under-charged shotgun pulse to the chest. They flew through the cabin and into the opposite wall of the car. 595 jumped over Girard’s prone form and through the open doorway straight away afterwards, holding the shotgun. The other soldier crashed forward and knocked the barrel away before the Agent could turn to them. The second pulse buzzed into the empty cockpit, starting an electrical fire. “Freyr run!” The Agent yelled before the soldier brutally kneed her in the stomach, eliciting an [i]oof[/i]. Running on pure adrenaline, Freyr unlocked her armour and scrambled over to Dr Girard. Legs danced around her as 595 wrestled for control of the shotgun with the hulking soldier. “Come on, put your helmet up. We’re leaving!” Freyr pleaded with her colleague, trying to pull her to her feet. A boot smacked into her visor, sending Freyr rolling over. [hr] Osman slid down the wall-cover and onto the floor with the ambusher on top of her. They punched her visor twice, which flared her shields up. The Diplomatic droid grabbed the soldier in a headlock, and dragged them off of the Major. This couldn’t last though, as the Builder had gotten to their feet now. They twirled their spear, first cutting off an arm then the legs from the droid. A repair drone crashed into them, but quick as a flash they impaled the poor robot, frying their circuits. This had given Osman time to grab her gun though. She fired it from the hip, still laying on the floor. The heavy energy bolts popped the Builder’s shield and scored a deep hole in their armour before they managed to flick their wrist. A fist burst from the floor beneath Osman’s behind, propelling her high into the air. She windmilled across the lobby, before landing close to the brawl developing by the newly crashed car.