Okay, so remember when you were a dumbass kid watching wrestling? You'd watch Stone Cold Steve Austin Stone Cold Stunner somebody into the stratsophere? Or maybe you were more of a WCW kid and watched Goldberg Spear somebody in half before Jackhammering them into the tectonic plates? And your first thought was: I'm gonna do that to my friends! Inspired by that nostalgia, and the likes of South Park and [url=https://youtu.be/IyUN6UquxjQ]Brewstew[/url], I'm introducing the following concept: [i]It's Saturday morning. It's the start of summer. School's out and you ain't touching a book again! You're thinking, maybe you'll binge some cartoons or video games. Maybe you'll ride your bike down that reeeeaaaallly steep hill and not go to the hospital this time. Maybe that kid who always pisses in the god damn pool isn't there this time and you can enjoy the pool in peace this time! Whatever decision you make, it's interrupted by a knock at the door. When you answer it, you realize you've been ding-dong-ditched (again)! But, then you see a flyer that reads [center]K.W.L. (Kids Wrestling League) Tryouts Must be 8-12 years old Contestants must have the following: 1. A badass wrestling outfit 2. A kickass wrestler name 3. Some sweet ass theme music Be at the park by 10 O'Clock sharp! Snacks will be provided[/center] So, after raiding your closet and your music collection, you head on down to the park to live out your dream of being a pro-wrestler. Maybe you'll nail some jabroni with a missle drop kick from the top ropes! Perhaps you'll catch somebody with the Crippler Crossface and make'em cry like a lil' bitch. Whatever to claim that sweet sweet championship belt and bragging rights over the whole neighborhood![/i] Now, the concept is still a work in progress, so this is at a stage of piecing the concepts together. But, I do have the following figured out: 1. This will be what I call an "Open Character" rp. What does that mean? Play whoever the hell you want! Wanna be one of the kids from South Park, or Timmy Turner from Fairly Oddparents? Go for it! Wanna use that really awesome original character (do not steal) you've been working on? Sure! Just make sure they're between 8-12 years old. 2. This is meant to be a more comedic rp. So if you're expecting something serious... Well, you're welcome to try, but don't get mad when everyone's going for laughs. 3. This is going to be friggin' insane. Now, I do want to see how much interest this generates before I make a proper character sheet or the like. But, if you have ideas of who you want to play as, feel free to share!