[color=dodgerblue][i]What the fuck is going on?![/i][/color] The thought had raced Morgan's mind repeatedly. When she was attacked by her blood-covered girlfriend. When she was roaming the streets looking for a place to hide or people she could join in getting out of dodge. But this? This was all sorts of fucked up. There'd been so much blood; so much gore that coated the walls and pavement to where Morgan had to fight herself not to throw up right then and there. From what she could see, there were only three or four zombies at best within the alleyway. And yet, even in such little numbers, they were able to cause such carnage. It horrified her as they turned their heads in her direction, hungry for their next meal. [color=dodgerblue]"Stay the fuck back!"[/color] exclaimed Morgan, waving her bat in their general direction. Her heart beat at a million per hour, the fear of being ripped apart alive consuming her whole. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to go into the long night painfully and in anguish. She needed [i]a way out[/i]. Right now. [color=yellow]Glancing hastily around the alleyway, Morgan looked for any side door she could run to and enter to escape the coming undead.[/color]