[b]MIKA CHAMBERS[/b] During the night before she went to bed she did indeed help as best as she could, getting some of the books read but due to her headache from her cut, albeit a small one, she just couldn't stay up for as long as the men in her life. She also knew that if she fell asleep on the kitchen desk or on the couch, she would just feel even worse in the morning which left her with the only option she had. Going upstairs to her bed. By the morning she was just about starting to stir awake, aware of it being morning but not awake enough to be able to open her eyes just yet. She did hear her bedroom door open however and feel Dean lean over her in a weird positioned hug, kiss her ear then whisper in it which made her smile before she fluttered her eyes open as he kissed her cheek. "Morning to you too good looking" she replied before yawning and tilting her head to be able to look at him properly. "How did you and Bobby get on last night?" she asked, turning round properly and slowly sitting up, being careful to not hit him in the process. She felt a lot more with it this morning and was thankful that the painkillers she took when they first got back and the decent sleep in her actual bed did her the world of good. She looked well rested and even the cut on her forehead looked a lot less angry and sore compared the night before. She also knew he would be worried about her but she also hoped he would know she was a lot more resilient than people took her for. "Also, you heard from Sam or Nat yet?" she asked him, figuring they'd have checked in by now, at least to let them all know they were alright. Unfortunately though she had nothing on her phone when she went to bed last night, so couldn't help but wonder if he got anything from either of them. If they didn't then she knew one of them would have to get into contact to find out what they were going to do.