If nothing else, Rhia had to commend the builder’s response. With Vreta’s physical power, there were few favorable outcomes of a grapple for the builder. That they had trapped themselves as well was a sign of desperation, but it was an intelligent decision. Unfortunately for the builder, Rhia had already grabbed a hold of their spear arm before being trapped, and she had held on tight the whole time. For the moment, at least, Rhia was almost completely immobile. [i]Almost[/i]. While the material around her prevented her from opening her hand, there was nothing stopping her from closing it even tighter. As she had done before with Vreta’s leg, Rhia temporarily disabled some of the safeties holding back his arm muscles, and considering that there was not much else her suit could be doing at the moment, she also transferred more power into the suit’s muscle-assist systems to give her an extra [i]crushing[/i] grip. From where Rhia had grabbed the builder near their elbow, her hand clamped down like a hydraulic press, crushing the suit under the pressure. Though, of course, she certainly did not stop there. Flesh, bone, tendons, and ligaments; everything underneath would be crushed or shredded by the crumpling metal until the forearm had been torn from the body. Their spear would be useless if they could not control the arm wielding it. At the same time, Rhia had isolated access points to the builder’s suit and internal network, and they would soon find every one inundated with a swarm of complex Rothian viral programs aiming to find any vulnerable hook she could latch on to in order to breach their security.