[center][h1][b][color=green]The Xandalian Republic[/color][/b][/h1] [i][h3]Diplomatic Ship, Zetan Space[/h3][/i] [h2]"An Attempt At The Truth: Part 2"[/h2][/center] [hr] ...Well, the process of gathering the two representatives had been a success at least. Somehow. One Zetan warform, and one ECU Oligarch, both aboard their neutral vessel that now sat in the vacuum of space in a precarious position. For a moment they were hosting Kayla at the rather lovely bar built into the ship, and had brought the warform to engineering to host them for a moment. It was only a brief things before the talks were to begin, played as proper diplomatic protocol to ensure the representatives were prepared to discuss matters and comfortable. Mostly, however, the chance to get brief information before the meeting began was something the Xandalians valued due to the precarious nature of the situation. In that vein, whilst the barkeep was talking to Kayla as a messenger was headed her way to tell her she and the Zetan representative would be brought to the meeting room on the ship at the same time. However, back in Engineering things were a bit different where the Zetan representative was concerned. Head Engineer Malden was speaking to them, simply instructed to "make them comfortable, do not converse about the war, and simply maintain neutrality" as those speaking with Kayla had been informed more openly and in front of her to do. She'd been told the same was being done to the Zetan representative to ensure no one talked a peep as Diplomat Matthews finished getting the meeting room organized. Such was the proper protocol for a neutral vessel. However, Malden knew what the message 'also' meant in regards to the Zetan representative. [color=orange]"We apologize for this bit of subterfuge, but we don't have long before a messenger comes to bring you to the meeting so we can avoid suspicion from the ECU and Undefeated. Otherwise we risk a major diplomatic incident and our mission of getting the truth back home. In this time before the messenger gets here, I've been instructed to ask you for any information pertaining to your people's status in this war and to deliver us your side of the story...admittedly in great haste unfortunately. Our time is limited. We have computer systems for jotting information down right here, as we do more manual means of recording information such as paper and pen. If you have any other means of giving us information on what is going on, we can accommodate this as well."[/color] The Head Engineer delivered his message as best he could, but truth was they didn't have the time for long discussions and getting information down normally. They had a very brief window to allow the Zetan representative to get them something before having to take them to the Meeting Room. They had to maintain proper protocol, and the engineer knew that if things went south he alone was on the line for this action. The Republic had to maintain neutrality right now, and the mission was essential to the point he knew what he'd signed on for in this case. All that remained was if the Zetan representative had any way to give them info in a hurry. Blargh. The nature of it all put a bad taste in the Xandalian man's mouth that they had to do this much. (A minor "what is Kayla doing" and how the Zetan responds in this brief time is all we need, I think, and we can skip to or to after the talks took place. Whatever works best for your guys tbh, am open. :P) [@Irredeemable][@Tortoise] [hr] [center][i][h3]Zetan Embassy, The Meeting Place, Sol System Space[/h3][/i] [h2]"A Redundancy: Part 2"[/h2][/center] [hr] Christensen, the middle-aged older man he was by Xandalian standards, simply smiled in return and gave a small courtesy nod at first. It was obvious that the Zetan representative would be irate about the war going on, but to make such accusations of warcrimes such as these made the Xandalian Representative think. Not that the ECU and Undefeated weren't already being suspicious themselves according to his secure communication. But how did she have that information? Secure channel? Something else? How did she know they were seeking to uncover things? Ah. Either way, her feelings about it were crystal clear. Still, Envoy Christensen let the automatic doors whoosh closed behind him before he stepped closer to Sigma-Devi's main desk. [color=silver]"No no, you are quite fine in voicing your feelings on the matter. I can only image the situation on your homeworld has become quite intense, to say the least, but after Tanaka's announcement and so forth the ECU and Undefeated likely won't make it easy to grasp what is going on in full. I will be going to speak with them later though, but this to be my first stop. In truth I came to speak with you about the ongoing war, to get information and details from the Zetan side of the incident and war even, and if you have any information you can tell or transfer to me that I can send back to the Senate. Because you see...let us say that we seek the truth here, the real truth, and perhaps some potential sympathies exist as well for all I know. As it were a certain nation has been pushing greater amounts of anti-Zetan propaganda to the Republic's people, and alongside other suspicious actions this certain nation has done the Senate does not see this in any sort of good light to say the very least."[/color] Christensen's tone was diplomatic, clear, and to the point, his tone was calm and composed, and a gentle smile was even on his face. Yet at the same time, the way he held himself seemed to indicate a level of steel and experience behind his green eyes that seemed to radiate a soothing confidence. Even so, something behind those eyes of his spoke of a greater wealth of experiences that lied untapped at the moment. Even so, his words struck true to the heart of what the Senate had asked him to come here for. The truth. What was going on behind closed doors. [@Irredeemable]