Though Rhia could not see what was happening, she could adjust her echolocation for other mediums. Usually, it would not be a [i]solid[/i] medium one would be surrounded with, but sound could move through it just fine. She felt when part of the material underneath her liquified so the builder could drop down out of their suit, though it still left her firmly trapped. With or without the builder present, Rhia had to get herself free of this stone-like prison. Trapped as she was, she had few options, but there was one she felt would work. She jabbed her claws through the part of the suit she was holding on to, but instead of crushing it, she used it as an entry point for a direct physical connection. Rhia directed nanites from Vreta’s arm out through the skin and suit and into the builder’s now-empty armor. They connected from Vreta’s suit and through each other in sequence until they could form a bridge directly to the builder suit’s circuitry. It allowed Rhia to form her own access point to bypass normal security. These nanites were not built for communication over distance, but as long as they maintained direct physical contact, it would work. Unfortunately, gaining access to the suit alerted Rhia to a new problem. The last command the builder gave seemed to be liquifying the suit just as it had to the ground around them. Immediately, Rhia started running interference every way she could. She did not have time to hack into its control systems, but she used everything she could control to at least disrupt the execution of the command. Given that the medical nanites were not programmed for this task, she was having to puppet each and every one individually. That, in combination with everything else she was having to do, was starting to stress even her processors. Still, she needed only to buy time. This self-destruction was being performed by the gauntlet, which meant it would have to be the last thing to deconstruct. The gauntlet was already powered, and she could observe enough from its current state to see how to execute a command. She just needed to be able to input the specific command she needed. Fortunately, she had seen the builder do exactly what she needed multiple times. With those records for reference, she short circuited a few power conduits in the suit to force a specific signal to the servos in the hand. Each finger moved as she instructed, replicating the command she had witnessed before. Suddenly, all of the base material around Rhia liquified, dropping her down into the garage on the floor below. The thud of her feet hitting the ground echoed throughout the cavernous space. Her eyes darted around and, for a brief moment, she did spot the builder in the distance, sprinting away. She could have gave chase, tried to get an angle to shoot. She wanted to, certainly, but ultimately, that was not the mission. Getting the scientist to the objective was the mission, and that mission was up above. Begrudgingly, Rhia made a running leap with a thruster assist to jump back up through the hole and help the others above.