[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191011/0da0e404d59353936a9ff3356140c3e8.png[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/EzcDOaRFkDUsM/source.gif[/img] [i][@Morose][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DarkKhaki]Sierra Finley[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/PHZoEawqYBfTq/source.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camelot, Forest Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=DarkKhaki]"Yep time to get going right now."[/color] Sierra said as she watched some of the more combat oriented people started to attack Rumple, Jack actually doing the most damage and setting the crazy man on fire Rumple screaming in pain as he was literally being burned. Sierra quickly grabbed Willow's hand and bolted out through the door that they had just came through. She stopped for a moment just outside of the hole in the wall. She noticed some of the guards were quickly going past them and heading into the compound itself. Sierra used that time to quickly make it towards the nearby treeline, as she paused for a moment and noticed something odd in a hole of a nearby tree. She went over to see what it was, some sort of box wrapped in a burlap bag, she tried to open it but saw that there was some sort of magical lock that looked really odd. She wasn't sure if it was the actual artifact that Rumple was intending to give to Maleficent or not either. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Layla Hood[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/320600940/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camelot, Forest Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] "You need to get going now." Merlin told Jack seeing him setting his father on fire, as Rumple was now running and trying to stop drop and rolling even, as some of his own men quickly entered the building. A group of them were trying to put out the flames as the other guards noticed those who were fleeing and quickly tried to go after them. Merlin quickly used his magic to erect a barrier blocking the guards from going after them. Layla didnt waste anytime at all and went out the way that they had came as well to Layla made her way through the hole in the wall and managed to catch up to the others as well to. Layla looked over her shoulder seeing some guards were making their way outside of the compound and started to search for them, Merlin catching up as well, and started to use his magic to make them all invisible again, as the guards ran right past them not even noticing that they were really close. Merlin looked at everyone else and made a shushing motion they could see each other but anyone else wouldn't unless they bumped into them or made a sound. [hr] [u][i][b]Merlin's Tower:[/b][/i][/u] "Merlin has to be the one to activate the defenses and only him from what I know." Red told Colby, as she watched Matt summon a bandolier of throwing knives and shook her head slightly like that would do much if there were a lot of guards. "Do you even know how to use those?" Hansel asked Matt as Gretel made her way towards the doors that led to the catacombs and opened them gesturing for them to get in. "There maybe more, there is a time to fight and a time to run. Unless you want to get caught it's not really a good time to play and act like a hero. And I honestly don't want to go back to prison." Red told the two of them.