[color=0054a6]"I'm following both of them, if you wanna stay out of this, just follow the road to the village outside the city."[/color] with those words setting over them, the older man went off toward the city glowing orange in the sky that slowly grew dark with the sun disappearing over the horizon. Now in the silence between the screams of civilians escaping the city as it burned [color=808080][i]'All of this was that woman's doing,'[/i][/color] the thought made his blood boil yet he wasn't about to give in to his inner demons, so he tried to collect himself [color=808080][i]'She will pay someday.'[/i][/color] If it weren't for his somewhat damaged pride the short little demon would have hesitated and considered the implications of following the older gentleman back towards the city lighting up the night sky, yet he was set on trying to prove himself. Dexter checked his newly acquired weapon and inspected it closely. [color=crimson]"I'm going wit-"[/color] these words were more than enough to get his attention, snapping the knight out of his day dream [color=808080]"No you aren't, I am."[/color] the boy now even more embarrassed but sighed loudly, he was in way over his head but failed to see the risks until the knight spoke up [color=crimson]"I've gotta do something useful!"[/color] Jared was readying himself and the demon boy raised his voice in protest, and gave pause to the handsome faced knight. [color=808080]"If you want to help, go find the old man. Better you stick with him than me."[/color] Jared said after a moment of silence, and without another word he rushed towards the burning city with the sound of metal booted footsteps fading in the distance. Dexter spared no time standing around once the knight disappeared, except to grumble about being treated like a child as he ran in a different direction where he saw Robert went. [center]* * *[/center] Fumbling with the crossbow in his hands Dexter sprinted towards the older gentleman after finding him near the city gates helping evacuate a family [color=crimson]"I'll cover you!"[/color] the boy rushed to Roberts side, loading his crossbow and holding it at the ready. Dexter could sense the fear in the evacuee's and got a gut feeling like he was supposed to say or do something to help them cope with the horror. [color=crimson]"Don't worry folks we'll get you to safety."[/color] the boy gave the family a sweet little smile, and used the well of mana he possessed to fill the poor people with a feeling of reassurance and hope. This was his power, the ability to sense emotions and fill people with positive emotions. [center]* * *[/center] In the distance one perceptive enough would be able to discern the unmistakable sound of heavy-metal boots clattering ever closer. [color=red][i]'Kill them, the two are in danger.'[/i][/color] said the voice reverberating in his skull[color=red][i] 'Kill the pathetic green-skinned whelps.'[/i][/color] the hunger in the Revenant's voice was almost palpable to Jared but he gritted his teeth instead [color=808080][i]'No, this time we do things my way.'[/i][/color] for a moment Jared thought the creature would not respond but a sneer resounded from the back of his mind [color=red][i]'You need me, never forget it.'[/i][/color] then it went silent. Before he could respond a voice up ahead echoed through the sound of the roaring flames [color=72C515]"Humans! No more fighting, you make worse. Chatak already talk to Witch. Free humans of town. No be stupid, yes? No waste life so quick?"[/color] and as if he had appeared from the shadows himself Jared soon stepped out from the ash and smoke directly in view of the pathetic creature [color=808080]"Tell me,"[/color] he took a step towards the goblin [color=808080]"Why I shouldn't cut you down, for even speaking to that wretch."[/color] the knight was scowling at Chatak as he moved to stand in front of the short green-skinned humanoid [color=808080]"Tell me..."[/color] Jared said pausing as he reached for his sheathe. [i]Shing[/i] as quick as a flash his blade was pointed down at Chatak [color=808080]"Why I should show mercy to the same creatures that are slaughtering countless innocents in this burning city."[/color] Jared sneered looking at Chatak with contempt.