[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xMWIxZDAuUlhabGNtbHVJQ0pUYldGc2JDSWdVMnQ1WlEuMA/vtks-embromation.regular.png[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f7941d]Space[/color][/h1][/center][center][@Phoenix347][@BlackMaiden][@CMDR Adamantium][@veenknight343][/center][hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c2/e9/c0/c2e9c02b9e7eb039119756d68d91ad88.jpg[/img][/center] It felt like she had waited an eternity. Yet even after the talking, and the briefings, and the endless checks were finished Skye found herself in the cockpit of her mobile suit. [i]Waiting[/i]. Just like she always did. It was something she had grown accustomed to, but this time it was different. Skye did her best to deliberately feel irritated, allowing her frustration to twist her face and reduce her responses to the launch crew and her comrades to mere grunts. She was desperate to distract herself from the fact [i]her hands wouldn't stop shaking.[/i] Skye ended up gripping the control sticks inside her cockpit and squeezing them as hard as she could. Breathing in and out, in and out, in as a controlled a manner as possible. Making sure her comms were turned off so no one could hear her. For all her impatience to skip the chatter and the grandiose rituals that proceeded the launch, Skye was just as eager to avoid the unpleasant parts of the launch... [i]The scary parts.[/i] Skye had never told anyone, but when she closed her eyes she could see everything that happened in her father's rocket play out in front of her. She could feel the force of gravity beating down on her and the rocket shaking as they escaped the planet's atmosphere. She could still see her father's face and hear her own cheers as they saw the stars through the debris field above them. And she could feel the pain as she was slammed back in her seat as something hit them, once, twice, three times. Nothing she could do, or ever hope to do, could ever erase the memory of staring down at the blue planet through a wall of flames as her father desperately clutched the controls as the rocket plummeted back to Earth. It was her first time going to space in what might as well have been half a lifetime for her. Skye had always felt the resources were in place to send her up. And no matter the justifications or the insistencies from her superiors, the propaganda girl always had a feeling that didn't fully believe in her. That they knew that she was afraid, that she could very well choke if she were sent back up in the blackness she had once fallen from. And deep down Skye was afraid they were right. Yet as Skye sat and ruminated, the launch countdown had begun and the Emperor's speech reached her over her radio. Sitting and listening, something hot began to build up in her gut. Bit by bit her hands stopped shaking, but her grip on her controls only grew tighter with every word. In a few poetic, regal words Skye was reminded of the anger beneath the fear she held. Anger and hatred that no amount of self-preservation or even reason could hold back. Because no matter how scared she might have been, how eager she was to avoid ever seeing what she did on her father's rocket, nothing would stop her from ensuring the [i]canners[/i] in space could never close their eyes without seeing something far more terrible. No distance would keep her from making them suffer, and Skye reminded herself there was nothing she would not do to reach them. And in an instant the rockets began to move and Skye was forced back into her seat, the world reduced to rumbling and constant shaking as the world streaked past. Skye closed her eyes, not to avoid seeing what was in front of her, but to remind her of why she fought and why she needed to kill as [i]many enemies as she could.[/i][hr] When the rocket came to a stop Sky opened her eyes, wincing slightly as light poured in from the slowly opening side of the rocket. The walls and floors of the drum-shaped cockpit she sat in showed the surroundings of her Astro Flag as it's sensors kicked on. Engaging the battery Skye swore she could almost feel a low thrum of energy pass through her fingertips as the mechanisms and systems of her Flag flared to life. The control sticks she had clutched like vice grips on the way up suddenly felt natural and easy to move, requiring almost not thought or effort to do so. Tyr's voice came over the radio and Skye could only smirk as she pulsed the vierners on the side of her Flag and gently 'rolled' it out the side of the rocket as the clamps released. The feeling of weightlessness took Skye off guard and she felt her stomach squirm inside her as the Flag rolled out into open space. Skye looked up, or technically down, at the planet, barely able to see the blue of the planet through the smog like haze and visible chunks of debris. A twist of her controls and the vierners on the opposite side of her machine pulsed with small, visible blue jets. In an instant the Flag came to a stop, it's folded up space-craft like form pointed towards the large debris field ahead of them. As Skye looked around and took in her surroundings, a sudden surge of energy shot through her. The blue haired girl couldn't stop herself from letting out a laugh and grinning, the realization of how close she was finally hitting her. She looked straight ahead and engaged her thrusters. [color=00FFFF][b]"Roger that Tyr, I'll take the lead! Try to keep up!"[/b][/color] Skye called out over the radio, and immediately engaged the Flag's thrusters before any objections could be raised. Immediately Skye was slammed back in her seat as the large thruster array at the rear of the flag flared to life. One moment her Flag was near her rocket and the next it was shooting forward like a shot from a railgun, intense blue flames radiating from her engines as the Flag itself was reduced to a mere blue blur against the drab background of space. The G-forces Skye felt pushing on her were intense, but she smiled through it all and howled over the radio. [color=00FFFF][b]"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"[/b][/color]