[quote=@BenG85] Still looking for more players, going to see what I can do for demonstrating the Giants' appearance in my vision for this. I didn't want to have to reveal it before the game even started, but, I also want to keep this alive in the hopes of getting it off the ground. [/quote] alright, I'm not an artist, so here's further visual aids on these Giants. Imagine [i]these[/i] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qnCkD_-vJDQ/VptR58IIW5I/AAAAAAAAIw4/XBUvSgYda2E/s1600/IMG_9091.JPG[/img] but with teeth/mouths like [i]this[/i] [img]https://res.cloudinary.com/fleetnation/image/private/c_fit,w_1120/g_south,l_text:style_gothic2:%C2%A9%20Peter%20Watson,o_20,y_10/g_center,l_watermark4,o_25,y_50/v1431542885/xgeum6eh0lo8yetthjsu.jpg[/img] and they dress/armor themselves like these guys [img]https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/02/26/jtgs-fp-249_wide-b63c36d78d9ba5d79570524dbbd77a8bd4fcb2f4.jpg?s=1400[/img]