[quote=@Sep] Is anyone chilling at Earth? I just wanna know the lay of the land/who is where before I go anywhere. I'm working on reading the IC but there's a lot. [/quote] [quote=@Kale19] [@Tortoise] Done, I added a few things in the extra info though. If there's anything else that I need to add send me a message. Also what exactly am I writing in the IC? [/quote] So, I'm gonna write a kind of synopsis for the OP eventually, but in the meantime here's what you both need to know. The Gateways connect to every colony, from every colony, so each of us can travel to eachother at anytime. They also all connect to Earth, and there has been built a neutral station named the Meeting Place. It's modular, so every colony can add their own 'section' to it. The ECU has a section filled with fancy decorations and holographic servants, the Undefeated's segment mostly seems to house soldiers, etc. If you want (it's not required), you can say that your nations are building on to it as well, although it probably wouldn't be done right away. Either way, the Meeting Place is where a lot of diplomacy happens. Earlier, nations were coming in to "introduce themselves." They would broadcast a message on the station that all other nations could hear, so that every Colony could be considered to know eachother with out us having to write out [i]every single first contact [/i]:lol Like so: [quote]There's a space up ahead, in this part of the Meeting Place largely constructed by the ECU. Holograms flicker in and out of being, appearing when needed, vanishing when not. And flying cameras hover around, eager to record the new Liason Tanaka's first words. New Hollywood is attending the Event, of course. Oligarchs never turn down an invitation. "Humans of the Galaxy," the young man begins, finally actualizing the words he's practiced so many times. "I am here on behalf of the Earth Cultural Union. We are a league of mankind, dedicated to preserving the cultures, ways and forms of our great ancestors. We believe in the potential of humanity, but also in respect for our true nature. We believe in the ways of our lost home, and also in the reality of our present situation. If you will hear us, we will work with you, to revitalize all that has been forgotten. To keep the torch of Earth burning bright even through this long night. To stand against the darkness, and not forget who we are. Thank you." That description will soon be recorded in the databanks of the Meeting Place, and sent out to all other nations who participate in this Event. Even now, the ECU is also hearing the introductions of other Colonies, both friends and strangers. And enemies. The time of first contacts is over. Even Tanaka realizes. It is time for the action to begin.[/quote] If you wanted to send a diplomat to the Meeting Place to do something like that, it would be a good way for your Colony to join the community we have going. Speaking of, uh, community, there's a war going on. The [b]ECU [/b](my nation) and their allies the [b]Undefeated [/b](Raylah), verses Irredeemable's [b]Zetans[/b]. The Zetan navy is currently destroyed, and their planet is under blockade by the ECU/Undefeated. Your Gateway will just now be opening up, so you're free to react, join in, play the neutral, or just ignore it completely. Everything here is pretty sandbox; it's all up to you what to do. EDIT: By the way, Kale, you are approved!