[right][i][sub]Addressing: [@Irredeemable] and [@Crusader Lord][/sub][/i][/right] [right][i][sub]Starring: Kayla[/sub][/i][/right] Kayla is strange for an Oligarch. Aside from the hyperactive attitude anyone notices, there's something more subtle about her; something different that only fellow Oligarchs tend to see. Part of it is why she's sitting at this foreign bar in a Chinese-[i]inspired [/i]dress. (That is, not a historical Chinese dress.) And another part is that she's speaking English, but not in a proper Old English accent, or an Old American one. Or not even an Australian, South African, Scottish, or Irish one either. What she is speaking is a form of English that developed only on New Hollywood, the New Beijing accent- which should be clearly understandable, but no other Oligarch would be seen publicly using. It is, like her dress, not of Earth. Kayla is a New Hollywoodite. There's no denying it. But the problem, from her peer's perspective, is that she's [i]too [/i]much of a Hollywoodite. Is there anything left of Beautiful Mother Terra in her? That question has propelled her across the Gateway, to watch over this blockade in another corner of the galaxy, where her new-ness is safely contained from being spread to the others back home. Kayla admits all of this to her bartender, in fact, at least in her own hyper-fast speech. Fortunate that he can't understand a word of it. Doesn't speak English, New Beijing or otherwise. She laughs at a joke about Zetans that only she told and only she understood, and downs another drink.