At breakfast, Steppe Archer was so certain that today was going to go well as she munched on her bread, dipping it in a bit of warm soup to eat a bit faster. And then, the job listings came up. ...She really... ...Really... ...Really... Did not want to admit that right now, extermination may be their best prospect. Steppe Archer looked pale, looking over the jobs. The cart job meant they might wind up having to defend against bandits, given the state of the body they found last time...or worse, the farmstead might be that old guy's. The fort investigation might not be too bad, but she'd heard rumors that monsters frequently inhabited old abandoned structures, meaning that they might travel all that way and be attacked while tired. Sadly, the extermination was right there, the two jobs went hand-in-hand, and the pay was almost as much as the highest paying job, for what would amount to a far shorter job. ...But it was in the sewers. Shaking her head, the nomad would say to the both of them: [color=CC6633][b]"I...know that I said before I don't want to do it...but the sewer jobs might be our best bet. Not to mention that now that we have money, we can more easily protect ourselves. ...E-Even if it involves bugs."[/b][/color] She seemed apprehensive, but willing to do the jobs so long as her party members were onboard.