Kira Blackthorne rode her steed in the dead of night, the once graceful creature that she was riding upon legs now wobbled unsteadily beneath the full weight of its rider as it walked with struggling trudge like steps, it was weary from the constant galloping and trotting. It's familiar rider guided it easily with it's reigns and did not have any mercy on the poor four hooved mammal who seemed to be laboring to cooperate. The lands it was traveling through was an unfeeling existence in harshness that was of a unbearable, inhabitable place. It was very brutal but complaining wouldn't help. One was to either die or become lost without a trained and skilled territorial guide to safely show wandering souls proper way through such dangerous and treacherous lands. The presence of a kind, hardworking vampire had bright ocean blue eyes and short locks of neck lengthed spiky black hair hanging down her forehead. She had vanilla colored skin and a petite but strong body. Her vision was a strong weapon like the self made bows and sharp arrows her back carried. A tattoo like birthmark of a bright red rose with cruel thorns reaching out from a green stem was on the side of her throat, wrapping around the front of it and looked as if it was strangling her like the slow squeeze of a constricting snake. She lowered herself from her heavily grunting and panting horse who responded with a sigh of relief, walking through a tavern that was of closeby. Candles dangling above outside casted a honey like glow on surfaces of soiled, filth covered snow in dry, parched mud paths as night loomed over an island known as free of all danger and of no name as well. Princess Kira even made it that far. As far as they were they were concerned she could die a thousand deaths when the human guards came to destroy her. They didn't care if any vampire or human warriors had lived through ambush to be made example of in the slightest, they had did. All they wanted was for her to be dead, six feet deep. She kept on riding till she reached town. She stayed in the tavern for a bit so her horse could rest for a while and then when done recounted her horse and making her way to Long Water, letting the horse boy put it in the stall and she paid for a couple of nights.