Sora sighed. Why did he ask her to go home instead of asking her to spend more time together? He really wanted to and she seemed like she wanted that too, but it couldn't be like that. He needed to win in order for it to finally be like that again. He didn't say anything anymore, he just nodded at Rui and followed her to their house. She insisted on going in first and he didn't refuse as it didn't really matter if he went in first or second, his parents wouldn't pay any attention to him. His parents didn't care at all if Sora was early or late. They didn't care or even notice when Sora didn't even come home at all. Sora listened at his mother's yelling towards Rui for a bit before going upstairs to their room. He wanted to stand up for his sister, tell their parents that they didn't need to be so angry at her, that she didn't deserve all of that, that they needed to give her more freedom. Why didn't he tell them? Probably because he didn't feel like it would matter. His parents would never listen to anything that Sora had to say. They would ignore him and keep on yelling. Eventually, he heard Rui slam her door closed. Their mother yelled at her for a long time, Sora noticed. Sora threw himself on his bed and held Wolf's card into the air. [color=cornflowerblue]"Is our situation ever going to change, Wolf? Are we ever going to be like a normal family?"[/color] Wolf thought about his answer for a moment. [color=springgreen]"If you wish for it and you win the battles, then you will get what you want. That's Nexus, Sora-sama."[/color] Wolf sounded as if he was repeating those words from a manual or something. [color=cornflowerblue]"Rui didn't deserve all of that yelling."[/color] Wolf nodded in agreement. [color=springgreen]"Of course she didn't, but what will you do about it, Sora-sama?"[/color] Sora waited for a couple of minutes before entering Rui's room without knocking, closing the door behind him. [color=cornflowerblue]"Teach me how to win."[/color]