A long sigh escaped Kyouko as she recollected her thoughts. Staring at her reflection in the mirror. How long had it been now, ever since it all started? From the sacrifice of her best friend and an interview in a burger joint, they had infiltrated a weird science facility, went to mars and back, and ultimately defeated a company that essentially had the military power of an entire country. Shoulder-to-shoulder with those she looked up to. Her [i]superiors.[/i] It had been fun while it lasted, and back then she surely would have looked forward to being famous. But now? Being a hero was a hundred times easier than being a good daughter. Even now, in this most sacred of all places, Kyouko couldn't find herself finding any peace and tranquillity. Back then, when she closed her eyes and saw herself punching eldritch monsters and deranged madman she was easily able to fall asleep with a smile. Now, all she saw was the annoying face of her special someone and hearing the voice of their choreographer. Being an idol was fun indeed, but so was refining her abilities and hanging out with Runa! Another sigh escaped her as she noticed the bags under her eyes. Sometimes, when it was really bad, Kyouko was easily able to fix it. But it simply didn't sit well with her, it was like taking pills instead of fixing the actual health issue. Before a third sigh could escape her lips, she closed her eyes and slapped her own cheeks. "Alright..." The ember of determination rekindled once again. Somewhere deep down she already had all the solutions. She knew that her father was someone she likely had to cut out from her life. She knew she had to call off the marriage. And, most importantly, she knew that the other Final Four were her dear colleagues. There was nothing to feel ashamed about. Readjusting her clothing and one final check-up in the mirror, Kyouko finally left the bathroom of the Fort Five. [hr] [b]"Yo!"[/b] She gave Tian-Gui a quick greeting with a simple wave of her hand, before taking a seat again. There wasn't any food in front of her yet, only a started can of soda. Much like some others, Kyouko couldn't really form too much of an opinion on the other hires. Though she instinctively hoped the Thremont tech-girl employee would have been among them. Instead, she pointed at the bureaucrat. [b]"I'll try my best handling two Iphies."[/b] She teased the purple hair with a confident smile. Kyouko herself had barely seen the others either, except Runa, but despite her childish remark, there was some resemblance to something more 'mature' about her. ... Which didn't seem to be present for long, as whatever signs of maturity Kyouko showed quickly vanished upon the reveal of the leads. [b]"Woah!"[/b] She called out in excitement, skimming through a few. [b]"The Musicians of Bremen, using humans to... ewh?!"[/b] She stared at Runa for a second. [b]"No offence."[/b] Before going on. [b]"And the Church of Gears? An entire cult of potential crazies?! And this guy... Yesterday's Promise? I'm getting bad vibes from it!"[/b] Lots of leads to pick from as Kyouko consumed one file after the other and kinda making a mess of things.