[@Kenshi] [hider=Father Isaac Keller] NAME: Father Isaac Keller AGE: 31 GENDER: Male LIKES: The patron Saint Margaret, feeding the homeless, ministering to the hopeless, pork griot, lifting weights, Chai tea, and hip hop when no one is listening. DISLIKES: Bigotry, fish in general, fizzy drinks, people who lie, the feeling of wool on his skin, and killing zombies to survive. WEAPON: A string of heavy chains he removed from the back door of his church after the hope of saving any inside was long gone. LOOKS: Father Isaac is a bear of a man with dark skin and a well kempt obelisk beard. He wears his black hair cropped short and faded. Isaac's black shirt and slacks are drawn together by the white collar at his throat. MISC: He comes from a church in Pacifica that had heavy ties to the Voodoo Boys without being under their thumb. He was raised in the district and felt the call to action to help the homeless whom inundated the streets. [/hider]