[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/546056855978377216/858843614732615700/hgtrfed.png[/img][/center] [center]Word Count: 1273 [/center] [center][color=00aeef][b]Level 5[/b] [/color] - (59/50) + 3[/center] [center][color=darkgreen]Level 9 [/color] - (41/90) + 3[/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=00aeef]Link[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Location: The Bottomless Sea ~ The Maw[/center] [@Yankee][@Dark Cloud][@DracoLunaris] [hr] Link graciously took the Cadet's shield, waving to the boy as he started his own crossing. He put his arm through the hand holds and instantly felt far less naked than he had before. It wasn't the real deal, and if he was being completely honest he wasn't keen on how much the front face resembled a target, but he was grateful for it all the same. The kite didn't look like much, after all, but it worked excellently as a glider and he returned the thumbs up the Cadet shot him before the boy disappeared after the others. That just left him, Kamek, Glenn, the pets, and the occasional [i]drip drip[/i] of water somewhere off in the distance. Fortunately the silence was soon broken by Glenn and Kamek, going over the nature of Glenn's curse and probably fixes for it. It might not have been the most opportune time for the conversations, true, but it wasn't like they would be going swimming anytime soon. If they just did nothing all they would have on their mind is how hungry they were. To that end he pulled out his racket and started practicing again as the two of them talked. He stood facing the water, stabbing and slashing and shield bashing in a mock swordplay drill he made up on the spot. The racket made short sharp swhishs as it cut through the air, much to Link's pleasure. He had been stuck with far worse equipment in his life. As he did he couldn't help but comment of Kamek's proposed cures. "We've got a couple of princesses to work with, if they don't get squeamish." He said, thinking of Peach and other Zelda. Then he grinned as one of his few memories crept into his head. Zelda, kneeling in front of him, shoving a frog into his face. Her eyes sparkled, her excitement at the prospect of some new discovery all but leaking out of her ears as she tried to make him eat the thing. Had he eaten that frog? He didn't remember. Knowing him, probably. "When we find mine, she would do it just to see what would happen. If we don't find that Magus and take him out before then." It was when Kamek mentioned the Alchamoth Mercenaries that he stopped his drills. With everything that had been going on he had forgotten about them. "I wonder if they can even get in here?" He said, looking around. "Moogle?" He called, just to check if the little guys could even make it inside the Maw. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=darkgreen]Linkle[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=red]Merge Rate: 31%[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Location: The Cold Monastery[/center] [hr] "Lead the way." Linkle said as she started following Albedo out of the statue filled tower. Despite the constant feeling of being watched inside here as they picked their way past [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/5/52/BoF2_sd1.jpg]dragons[/url], [url=https://img.xboxachievements.com/images/screenshots/464/med_riseoftheargonauts_2008-09-16_13-16-27-77.jpg]collections of gods unknown[/url], and [url=https://gamespot1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/221/2215356/2799547-20%20pyro%20on%20dragon.png]coiling depictions of winged snakes that seemed to radiate a heat all their own[/url], Linkle didn't feel at all uncomfortable in this room anymore. So what if gods were watching? Gods were always watching. She was only slightly startled when the giant clock moved to follow them as though it were a giant eye. While Albedo got ready for a fight Linkle just bowered her had in its direction until it lost interest in them. She lingered for a moment, observing the clock. Three golden goddesses, encircling a clock. The only thing they were lacking was that all important symbol. If the triforce had been emblazoned anywhere on the statues surface you could have easily mistaken them as Din, Nayru, and Farore. Maybe it was. The Golden Goddess's had come from somewhere else to make Hyrule after all. There was no pull towards this one, though. If these were the same ones she would have felt it, like with the Hylia statue. Right? She put a hand on Albeado's shoulder, feeling the tension in his body. "I don't think they mean any harm." She said, turning to follow the boy as he headed for the door. Before leaving she turned and gave one last deep bow to the room before stepping out into the snow. Once they were outside and the door safely shut behind them she let out a short giggle. "That was awesome. Grandma always said Hylians have these big old ears so we can hear the gods better, but I've never heard anything like that. Once I'm back home I've got to visit the Temple of Time and see if I can pick anything up. Wow!" She was jittery, like a girl that had just gotten off a roller coaster. As such when they came to the rope bridge leading out toward the third tower she shared none or Albedo's brief trepidation. She felt like she could walk on air. She followed Albedo to stare over the edge, and the sight was no less breathtaking to her. It was astounding that people made their life among those lonely peaks below. How did they get around? Did they have wings, or did they climb on the ropes? Her mood was only slightly dampened when she thought about how Galeem might have sloppily dropped some of those places down on top of those mountains, leaving people trapped and isolated. She didn't worry about it too much, though. After all, at the rate they were going they would have this whole World of Light business finished in the next couple of days. She bet her friends had already taken out three more Champions in the time Linkle had been getting her bearings out here. Finding the bridge far more stable than the one that led to the witches' face was no surprise, it hardly moved as the two of them passed monks and priests of their way to the third tower. When they got inside she found out why the bridge was so heavily trafficked compared to the other parts of the monetary. The first tower was for praying, the second was for (respectfully) storing, and the third appeared to be for living. She guessed even holy men needed a break every now and then. One of them, enjoying a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the cloistered life, pinged them immediately as newcomers and was friendly enough to wave them over. Another Father, as it turned out. Linkle wondered if he was a fighting priest too as she took the old timer up on his offer and plopped down next to him and the warm lamp. "It's great to meet you, Father. I'm Linkle, Hero of Hyrule at your service! This is my friend Albedo. We came all the way from Snowden to try and figure something out." She said eagerly. "There's this weird cabinet in the second tower, one that you open up and there's a story about a snake. A lady feeds it, it gets really really big, and then it kills everybody. Albedo, show him, show him." "There's a guy that tried to kill me, a real maniac. We don't know his name, but he's completely invincible. Albedo took some sketch's of his tattoo's and some of the symbols carved in that cabinet match the ones on his body." Linkle continued, relying on the boy to provide visual aides. "Do you know anybody here that knows anything more about that cabinet? Is there anybody here from the same world it is, or who knows what story it's trying to tell? We think that if we can find out more about this guys world that might tell us how we can defend ourselves next time."