[b]“Never seen someone go mudbathing, huh?”[/b] The warrior watched, vaguely bemused, as most of the party said their apologies in turn, with varying amounts of sincerity or formality. That wall-bashing girl in particular remained a pretty little riot, and all in all, he felt satisfied with how everything was resolved. No five new corpses, but at least they’ve all been nice about it. Nodding in approval and definitely not flustered by Magpie’s flying dogeza (after all, this was nothing compared to the triple axel dogeza), he took a brief moment to savor psychological victory, before tossing them a bone. [b]“Now, I dunno about horny for snake ladies, but there was this one edgelord in particular who was going around the tunnels, muttering about purging the darkness that laid within for the sake of his goddess. Bumped into him a few times, and last I saw, he was headed towards this old underground village thing.”[/b] [sub][@Shovel][@Searat][@Psyker Landshark][@OwO][@Yankee][/sub][hr] What did not happen was Ari instantly having her head cut off or for Man-Joji to suddenly appear behind her with some ominous words to say. Rather, once the catgirl stuck her head into the wagon she was greeted with the sight of...well, rolled up fabrics. Some had fancier patterns than others, while others smelled of faint perfume, the essence of oranges and the like. A few looked exceptionally fluffy, but all of them looked like they'd fetch a good price. There were, however, no physical signs of the Rien that Xu Fu had initially detected. And it was curious too, why a merchant would peddle fabrics to a city-state soon to be at war. [sub][@GreenGoat][/sub]