[@ArmorPlated] [i]1) Ghostly White-Mage/Healing Spirit. (Stuck with two spells without help, but a little can go a long way. White Mage already down, so no need to panic.)[/i] I think if we didn't have as many Voidspawn characters as we do, a good-aligned Ascended character might be interesting. As it stands, we're a little overrun with immortals. :P [i]2) Wraith / temporary bodysnatcher. (Hijack people's bodies and fight with them. [i]heart-stoppingly spooky.[/i])[/i] Interesting concept! The Voidspawn kind of do that already, albeit permanently. We might have to hammer out a different system for bodysnatching magic. [i]3) Minotaur Lightning-Bruiser. (Huge, fast and strong. Mix in lightning symbol-magic for one hell of a charge.)[/i] coughalistarcough? xD Sounds interesting. Minotaurs don't get much representation in fantasy stories, so color me interested. [i]4) Minotaur Archer. (Imagine a walking siege ballista with horns. Bullseye.)[/i] A longbow would be an amazing weapon for him. I'm imagining him teaming up with MacKenzie. [i]5) Paper-golem. (Recycled idea from an RP that folded. A walking, talking spellbook, potentially good for boosting magical abilities. Also shapeshifting!)[/i] ...from an RP that [u]folded[/u]? That better be pun-intended! :P Anyway, it's an intriguing idea. As Rabidporcupine pointed out, you could do something like Grimoire Weiss. [i]6) Quicksilver golem. (T-1000 on fantasy steroids. Really malleable concept.)[/i] [hider=Some lore about that]Actually sounds like something the Ancients might have created in this world. The counter-invasion forces deployed 1000 years ago consisted primarily of two kinds of units: battle-droids and warp-fighters. Both types were fully sapient, a point of contention for their civilization back then. Battle-droids were shapeshifting infantry, while warp-fighters were shapeshifting space superiority types that doubled as heavy ground support (like mecha, but more organic and fluid). The Voidspawn possessed most of the battle-droids and turned them against their former masters, yielding a nightmare scenario that no one had a real answer for. Together with their own indigenous organic units, the Voidspawn brought the civilization on Aion to the brink of extinction.[/hider] [i]7) Old Dryad. (Another healer-ish character, probably way more in tune with nature. Older than the trees, in this world and the otherworld.)[/i] We don't have one of those yet. Sounds fun.