[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Communications Complex [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Squad 🐝 [hr] Of all the small exchanges that went on, Talon speaking up to take charge not only surprised him but drew all of Viktor's attention. Being assigned as the leader of Squad B caused a slight raise of his brows. Viktor personally felt he was the obvious choice, but he almost expected Talon to be petty and assign… [I]someone other than himself[/i]. Viktor's eyes scanned over the members of his squad. [Color=silver][i]Brightheart. Gold Rush. Nymph. Hex.[/i][/color] Their aliases were what he would use from now until the mission's end. They were who he'd have to coordinate a successful observe and report mission with. [Color=silver][i]Almost what I might have chosen.[/i][/color] Viktor gave his attention to Casper who approached with an idea. Coal too, who he almost did not consider initially. [Color=silver]"One moment, Hex… Squad B, gather around me and listen up!"[/color] As the squad gathered Viktor positioned himself in the center of them while typing into his cellphone now in hand. He initially didn't look up at the squad as his thumbs tapped away at his phone's touchscreen [Color=silver]"We've received our orders from Batman and Talon regarding our mission. Observation is simple, but it is necessary so the others can be successful."[/color] If one were to look closely at Viktor, it could be noted that he was typing notes as he spoke. [Color=silver]"0400 hours in the mountains during the winter season. Dress accordingly. I will allow you to choose appropriate vantage based on your line of sight, but you will follow my instructions on how to conduct yourself… or if I find your choice… unwise."[/color] He looked up from his device and locked eyes with Casper. It would be rude not to address him first. Despite all of his abilities, Viktor still had to be a bit creative with the task he gave him. [Color=silver]"It will be dark when we arrive, but it may not remain that way depending on the length of the mission. Coal can scout and our lower aerial sensor. If anything occurs, he can bring it to the closest person with comms. If you can task any other spirits to increase the number of eyes on the objective, do it… Oh and in the case of the sunrise, go prone and get behind something to minimize your profile."[/color] Viktor gave Casper a nod before his eyes set on Daphne next. [Color=silver]"Nymph, you are with me and will be the link of communication between myself and the infiltration squad. Our squad will communicate amongst ourselves and I will relay pertinent information to you for the other squad. Understood?"[/color] He didn't see Daphne having difficulty with this. Simply relaying information. Besides, he'd be right there beside her. Next was Aleen'a. [Color=silver]"Brightheart, you will be our eyes in the sky. You shouldn't have to go too high with the sky being dark. I recommend conserving as much energy as you can while up above. Remember we have Coal up close and you watching everything from up above."[/color] Viktor worried about Aleen'a's communication skills, but he felt he could decypher a lot what she said if he kept the context of her message in mind. [Color=silver]"Gold Rush. Use your AI drones, carefully, however. Hold off on the clones. I may need them if things go poorly. Be ready to fill someone else's role on my order."[/color] Viktor then sighed praying they all comprehended his introductions. [Color=silver]"Communicate, remain hidden, and don't die. It's simply just that. Pending any questions, go get prepared."[/color] Viktor's cold gaze met each of their faces. This was [I]his[/i] responsibility and the other squad was Talon's.