[color=0072bc] [center] [h1]Henry “Jello” Allin /// Orchard Spider [/h1][/center][/color] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YJFLP7G.jpg[/img][/center] Henry stood inside of a junkyard, wearing his superhero “outfit”. The outfit itself was made out of some fabric he had bought at a second-hand store. The hoodie and combat boots were things he also found at the thrift store. He felt kind of stupid wearing his costume, he wondered if he should have gone with another costume that would be more appropriate. He was lucky that there was no one working today at the yard. From what he knows so far about his powers, his body is magnetic, something he accidentally found out while trying to reach for a spoon. He walked over towards a pile of used metal, reaching out his hand and focusing his mind. After a few minutes, a large piece of metal stuck to his chest, picking up another piece of metal and hitting the metal piece as hard as he could. “[color=0072bc]Holy cow, I wonder if I can make a suit of armor out of this stuff.[/color]” Taking off the piece of metal that was attached to his chest and picking up two pieces of metal. In the back of his mind, he thought of a sword and shield a medieval knight would wield. The metal in his hands soon formed into the image in his head, “[color=0072bc]Damn.[/color]” He expressed out loud that his voice echoed throughout the junkyard. A few moments later he used the metal around him to create metallic wrist guards, shin guards, or any other form of body armor. Walking over towards a wrecked car and easily removing the unhinged door. Holding onto the door handle of the door, slowly shaping it into a duck. For the next couple of hours, he shaped and morphed various metals into weapons or random objects. At first, the objects he was creating out of metal were misshaped, but sooner or later the objects were shaped as intended. Feeling more confident in his abilities, he shaped pieces of metal into a makeshift skateboard. Speeding down the road in search of any crimes going on. He was unsure about his effectiveness as a superhero, but he was certain that he could do some good for this city.