Chen didn't know what to say at first. She couldn't just blurt out [i]I'm here for dragon counseling because Qiu thought Jessic could help me out.[/i] It was embarrassing and anyway the countess didn't even seem to be paying attention to her. Princesses were a known quantity, she guess, unlike wandering ancient monks and random villagers who somehow pulled your heartstrings every which way constantly. She let out an squeak that said "hey I'm still here, jerk!" but before she could do more, she saw that look on Rose's face and everything in her just started to melt. She was...not ready for that. The idea had been building up in her mind ever since she saw the collar. Even when Rose had been piggy-backing her around the town like she was a toddler, Chen was starting to think about what Rose wanted and how she seemed to press and show off to hide the fact that maybe what she wanted was someone to push her over. Then she'd agreed so quickly to the Cyanis wish plan, which was objectively nowhere near the best plan to get Jessic's attention when Chen could have just called her, but Rose had leapt at this innocent beauty nearly as fast as Chen had leapt for the thicky fluffy dress she knew she'd get to wish for. But this, this was like somebody opening a window in her heart and fresh air bursting through and pushing out all the gunked up parts that were full of pressure and worry. Chen gasped out loud. She noticed distantly that Yue was staring at Rose and crying, and for a moment Chen wanted to cry too. But she wanted something else even more than to cry right now. More than letting out the pressure and getting help dealing with her family and all that other stuff all put together. She wanted Rose to look at her, right at her, at Chen, with that beautiful innocent, just a little pitiful stare. She wanted it more than anything. Then, in the fantasy that was now flashing through her mind, they'd hug and Rose would lift her up like she weighed nothing, but she'd do a trickly half-flying half leg throw sort of thing that would bring Rose flat on her back. Then! Then Chen would fish out the ropes from Rose's bag and truss her up twice as tight as she'd made Chen when carrying her like a bindle. And as that thought came to a close and Chen felt her familiar blush rising up to her cheeks, she felt another feeling, one that demanded she shout out because Rose looked a little like she might really be afraid. Pushing out her gag a bit (Cyanis hadn't done hers nearly so tight even if she'd been content with squeaks earlier), tiny little Chen shouted out, "hey, hands off! Rose is [i]my[/i] girlfriend and you're scaring her!" Then Chen realizes what she said and collapses entirely back into squeaking. But it's defiant squeaking. The absolute most defiant embarrassed squeaks you ever heard in your life, and unlike normal she doesn't avert her eyes because even as she's flushing, she's staring at Rose and hoping for some sign, any sign at all that what she said was okay.