[color=CF61E1]”And here’s the last one, good morning… Heloooo?”[/color] she turned to the remaining Humans when the latest arrival disappeared in one of the rooms without a word, pointing at the room in question. [color=CF61E1]”Manners not a thing on Earth? We only export those to select colonies?”[/color] As the briefing commenced, Lantea opened a blank text file on her omni-tool to take notes. Then closed it still blank when the highly simplistic briefing ended. She would’ve liked more information. A lot more. A breakdown of the floorplan, assigned roles and order in the stack, method of approach… Fortunately, there was some familiarity to the operation. Kidnapping people who did something stupid that pissed off her employer, who wanted said person in their possession as a result of that and stealing their things to implicate them while they were at it. Not too dissimilar to some of her previous work, perhaps shedding a bit of light on the reason for her inclusion in the task force. With the briefing concluded and the squad leader leaving, she took off in the direction of her kit bag, already out of boots and top by the time the door closed behind her. The operation seemed… about as well organized as when their merry little band started over thirty years ago, minus delusions of grandeur and with actual funding. Lantea turned the relevant bag inside out and started getting geared up: Armor - check. The Asari donned it quickly, something she learned during countless depressurization drills. Weapons - check. Grenades - check. Not what she expected to need on this run if everything went well, but when did it ever? Best case scenario, they go in, grab Daezike’s drives, then sit around on her couch until she gets home, stuff her in a bag with the drives and go home. Worst case scenario… Anything fun happens. The omni-tool connected to the armor and she ran a diagnostic to make sure everything worked. Shields - check. Zakarth’s crib would probably be guarded anyway. Rich people always had someone watching their stuff, as did underlings important to their criminal bosses. This lizard was both of those. Tech armor - check. She was about to stop being an asset and become a problem for the rogue Spectre. The civvie shuttle waiting on the roof wasn’t anything special, which - again, like the patrol composition on the ward - made it perfect. It fit in seamlessly among the other grocery getters, no one would pay it any attention. With every minute she spent on the Citadel, C-Sec looked more and more competent in contrast to the stories shared around the Traverse. Getting in and finding a seat, she waited for everyone to board before speaking up with a safety lecture. [color=CF61E1]”Right, in case this is your first time running with someone using tech armor:”[/color] Lantea switched on the warning lights to illustrate, [color=CF61E1]”If this comes on, that means I’m surrounded by a warp field contained between two kinetic barriers. When the lights are blue, all is well, but keep an eye out. When they start turning orange, keep away. When they go red, the outer barrier is about to fail and when that happens, don’t be within four meters of me unless there’s a full wall between us.”[/color] the lights cycled through the spectrum before going out again, her attention back on their commander. [color=CF61E1]”So how are we going in? Loud and fast? And what sort of resistance do we expect?”[/color]