[h2]Troubled encounter [/h2][hr][sup]A collaborative post between [@Chulance] & [@Xandrya][/sup] Floyd could’t believe he could fly, of all the powers he’d ran Into so far this was one of the best. Saving Amelia had been shocking but he was glad he did that. The day was changing rapidly as he got a message from Rita that she was in the hospital after being caught in a gas station explosion. He was alarmed and wished he’d had a vision about her getting hurt rather then some random lady. “I gotta help Rita.” Floyd was putting his new flying skill to use, heading to the hospital Rita was at. Adora had wiped out the local one downtown so she was farther out and with traffic the way it was he didn’t eat to risk taking too long to get to her. He wanted to tell her about sleeping with Amalia & potentially starting a relationship with her but now he didn’t want to risk that. As he moved through the sky, he heard the blaring of police sirens and the whirring of chopper blades. “Oh shit” Floyd exclaimed not wanting to get caught by the cops as a flying black man and zoomed downwards landing behind some bushes. The last thing he needed was to get caught using his powers in public after the new laws the President passed. Luckily at least no one saw him, right. He took out his pone to let Rita know that he was close, and checked his GPS it was a 19 minute drive from where he was at. Maybe it was better to call an Uber since he’d ended up leaving his own car at the parking garage of his condo having foolishly opted to fly not thinking about cops & soldiers patrolling the air. Having just received very upsetting news over the phone, Anya had to take a moment for herself. She sat on a bench and thought about what she would do next. She wouldn't be able to fly back to Moscow even if there were available flights, and for her to quit at this point would ruin her. Not because she couldn't find another job, but because the Russian government would make sure she could never leave Moscow again. At that point, her best bet was to suck it up for the moment being. Getting up, Anya put her phone away when she noticed something that caught her eye. An Altered was flying down and landed not too far from her. In response, Anya quickly rushed over to the individual, drawing her weapon and pointing it at the man. "Do not move, you understand? You so much as take a step and I [i]will[/i] shoot." She carefully approached him, and when she was within reach she holstered the gun and knocked the man off balance with a leg sweep, directing him to the ground with one hand on his wrist and the other one on his elbow. "Put them behind your back, let's go!" Anya wasn't being the least bit friendly. Her day had just been ruined and she didn’t care to restrain herself. She put her weight on the man as she reached for a pair of handcuffs. “Are you that fucking stupid that you think you can fly around without being spotted?” After securing the cuffs, maybe a bit too tight for comfort, she began to pat him down. “Mind telling me what type of trouble you’re causing around here?" [I]Ah fuck…my first time flying ever and I’m going to fucking jail. I been moving pounds getting away with this shit and I’m getting locked up for super powers [/I] Floyd’s heart was racing, an impending sense of doom came over him. One that only appeared when put into a position of powerlessness at the hands of Law Enforcement. Getting arrested was one of the worst feelings in the world, and something he’d hoped to have never experienced again. But between worrying about Rita being in the hospital and filled with joy about being able to fly he’d messed up again. That’s how it always was for him, getting arrested was always something that happened at the most unexpected moment from something he never expected to get in trouble for. [I]Fuck I’ve got that fake ID on me that says I’m not altered fuck fuck fuck[/I] The ID Amalia created for him with her powers was causing his anxiety to spike. He had no idea what would happen if the laws caught him with it, but was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to vote in the next election. “Yoooooo I..” Floyd really had nothing to say to defend himself, he knew about the new laws but hadn’t put much thought into the dangers of flying until hearing sirens & choppers nearby. “Look I’m not doing nothing, my..my business partner is in the hospital, I was just trying to beat traffic I I didn’t even know I could fly” Floyd lied that was the only thing he could do. “IT was an accident I was just walking then I wasn’t forreal ma’am this just happened. I was actually gonna go get my blood test right after the hospital ya know since I have powers and I was never gonna fly again either, I..wouldn’t lie to you.” Floyd said lying nervously his entire day had just took a turn for the worst, all these damn visions and he didn’t see this coming. “God shut up, you’re so full of shit!” Anya knew everything he was saying was a lie. She’d heard that same line a dozen times before. [I]”I wasn’t gonna do it again, I swear!"[/I] or [I]”I didn’t even know!"[/I] The fact that the guy thought she was that stupid pissed her off even more. “Come on, get up!” Anya roughly pulled him up by the arm, barely giving him any time to get to his feet. “Do you have a wallet on you? What’s your name, huh?" “Jeez what died and crawled up your ass” Floyd replied rudely almost by instinct but instantly regretted it, but felt like he was already in deep shit. All he’d tried to do since he woke up this morning was do the right thing, fix the horrible things he saw in his visions and now he was hand-cuffed for admittedly & stupidly flying around in broad daylight. He groaned as Anya jerked him up by his arm, the tightness of the cuffs gnawing at his skin as he was pulled up. “Floyd” He answered about his name, the first truthful thing he’d said since he was cuffed. “So now what? You cart me off to jail huh, all because I’m different. Oh yeah let me grab my wallet, oh wait I can’t.” Floyd shot off at the mouth, allowing his emotions to get the better of him forgetting about his ID in his wallet that said he wasn’t altered. [I]Damn it, this would be the perfect time for another mystery trick to kick in, teleportation would be great about now or walking through wall [/I] Floyd pleaded internally wishing he could just spin a wheel and get a new power to get him out of this situation, and starting to regret ever getting mixed up with Rita Salzaras in the first place. The fact that Floyd kept running his mouth made Anya want to smack him, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of losing it in front of him. Instead, she felt around for his wallet and reached in his pocket to retrieve it. Once she flipped it open, she saw that his driver's license did not indicate he was an Altered. Cute. "So Floyd, I have a couple of questions for you," she pushed down on his shoulder to force him to sit down. "First, tell me about your power, and don't spare me any details. Second, you're going to tell me who you got this fake ID from." Floyd felt his stomach drop when she brought up the fake altered ID he'd gotten from Amalia. Yesterday it had relieved his stress about the blood tests, today it caused more. He groaned as she applied force to his shoulder practically forcing him to sit down as she interrogated him. "My power, you claim you saw me flying right?" He shot back at the agent who had cuffed him. He was scared to confess his actual power to the agent, especially after the Lori attack on the news. "Fake ID?! It's real, I told you I just started flying I was normal until this moning I..I..I...got tested two days ago! So you can see this in an accident, you gotta let me go I'll do whatever you want, I have money!!" Floyd announced in a last act of desperation "You know what, save it! My boss will be glad I found you. And if I can't get you to talk, you'll definitely change your mind by the time you end up dealing with him." The agent then turned Floyd to face away from her. She pulled out a disposable zip tie and secured it around his wrists before removing her steel handcuffs. "Sit down," she ordered, watching him do as commanded. Anya then took a few steps away from Floyd, keeping him in view but out of earshot. Jonah was going to be glad she found a lead regarding fake IDs, that which was a rising issue by making their jobs just a little bit harder. The agent pulled her phone from her pocket, not aware of the approaching Altered nearing their location. “The boss ah shit.” Floyd grumbled when she brought up the person she worked for. He figured that she was in some trouble, he’d gotten in trouble before but it was the first week of the power laws being passed & he was already being nabbed for it. He almost let out an ahh when she switched the cuffs from the steel to the zip tie. Still it wasn’t like she snapped some new cuffs made of paper on him. That didn’t stop him from trying to wiggle his way or break out the new ones hoping he’d be more succesful. [I]I thought that would be easy, fuck teleportation I’d settle for super strength right now[/I] He knew he was in some deep shit, not only getting caught up for powers but for fake altered ID’s. He figured the ID’s might even end up being a bigger problem, since e wasn’t caught using his powers to commit any other crimes except for the fact that he blatantly used them in public. Luke spotted the scene from a few miles away, he’d noticed the flying man. As a supporter of the Reaper he was trying his hardest to find new recruits, until a plains cloth officer had nabbed him. He’d kept his distance to peep the scene and decided now was time to act. Seeing the agent wasn’t paying attention the agent sprung forward unleashing his power on her, emitting a microwave blast to boil her skin and blood. “TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING PIG!” As he yelled out he shot out a second microwave blast to melt her gun. “Oh shit!” Floyd yelled out seeing the altered who came out of nowhere attacking the agent from behind with some type of slightly visible red beam. “You, Leave Now!!!!!” Luke used his microwave emission power on Floyd’s zip-ties causing them to melt but also inadvertently sizzling some of the flesh on Floyd’s arms causing him to yell out at his “Rescuer”s painful escape method. [I]Damn that shit burned I’m free I’m free, oooh[/I] “Yooo preciate it!!! You need a ride.” Floyd instantly levitated ignoring the painful sensation in his wrists. “Sure, but first this bitch has to die!”Luke yelled hands glowing with microwave energy. “Wait! You ain’t gotta kill her bruh” “What?! You got stock home syndrome or something?! She dies!!” Luke yelled out about to fire another microwave blast at the agent not wanting her to recover only for Floyd to instinctively launch a blast of fire deflecting the microwave beam from hitting Anya. Reacting almost immediately, Anya barely managed to get away from the attacker that had seemingly popped out of nowhere. She was hit on the shoulder, causing her to drop her gun, and then almost immediately after the fact she was knocked off her feet as she was blasted on the leg. Anya looked behind her at the Altered, her heart about to burst from her chest as he announced she was about to die. Both her shoulder and her leg were on fire, so she wasn’t so sure she could get away to find cover. [I]Fuck...[/I] Anya looked around, just then catching a glimpse of Floyd who was floating above them. Had his friend come to his rescue? Anya wasn’t sure anymore, the adrenaline rush suddenly dulling some of her senses, making it hard for her to hear them. It was then she witnessed Floyd deflect the Altered’s attack. Had he just saved her life? And how? Where did the additional ability come from? Instead of trying to find answers to her own questions, Anya reached for her second gun with her non-dominant hand and fired two shots at the Altered, hitting him once on the chest and once on the arm. Her hand trembling, she lowered the weapon, waiting to see if she needed to shoot again. This just wasn’t Floyd’s day, he went from being rescued into an all out fight with bullets, laser beams & fire balls flying around. He didn’t have any love for law enforcement especially the lady that just tried to arrest him, but he didn’t see the need in killing her in cold blood. Bullets whizzed past him and into the would be rescuer who seemed more obsessed with killing the agent then actually getting him to safety. “Shit…shit…” “Aaahhhh.” Luke yelled out stumbling backwards from the two shots, only to rip off his shirt revealing he was wearing a vest. Still his arm had been a direct hit which was now gushing with blood. “Fuck it, you can die with this bitch you fucking idiot!!!!!” Luke screamed out causing his other arm to didn’t have a bullet lodged in it to pulsate with energy followed by his whole body. “Oh my fuck!!! Bruh I’m trying to keep you going getting life in prison for killing cops and now you gonna just kill everyone, did you fail rescue 101????” Floyd noticed the man glowing violently and massive energy starting to being emitted from his body widely in every direction. [I]Oh shit he’s about to blow himself up, fuck[/I] “FOR REAPER”!!!!” Luke yelled as he went to self detonate himself with microwave energy. Floyd lunged forward grabbing Anya and flying upwards into the sky just barely getting out of the way of the man’s self detonation. The aftershock of the blast almost caused Floyd to loose his grip on both Anya & himself for that matter in the air. [I]Damn[/I]Looking down he saw a small mushroom cloud of smoke and heard sirens going towards the direction of the blast. Still carrying Anya he flew back towards the ground landing near an empty parking lot and quickly setting her down as his wrists were still sizzled from getting microwaved. “Fuck, I didn’t mean to save you too.” Floyd retorted which was half true, and half because he didn’t know if he’d get in more trouble if she got blown up. She was still shaken up, but at least she was back on the ground. Her leg was still throbbing, and Anya knew she needed medical attention, and fast. She settled down on the ground and lifted her pant leg to inspect the damage. “Thanks,” she added, not bothering to look up at Floyd. A few minutes ago, she was ready to hand him over to Liberty so they could do whatever they wanted with him. “I owe you one.” Her voice was now calm, not at all agitated like it was previously. “Well...to be honest there’s not a lot I can do here at this point. I mean, I can’t bring you in and let my boss deal with you, it’s just not in the cards for me today. I do find it interesting how you have more than one ability, just like that giant woman from yesterday..." She checked her pockets but her phone was gone. Of course it was, there was no way she subconsciously tucked it away as she was being ambushed. Anya then slowly got to her feet, staring at Floyd. “Would you mind telling me about that? Off the record, of course." Floyd wasn’t in the business of working with people who tried to arrest him, but he wasn’t ready to be responsible for a dead federal agent. “Oh yeah your super welcome.” He added in somewhat sarcastically, as his flying antics had prevented Anya’s life from being ended in Luke’s apparent suicidal explosion. [I]Now she owes me one, but I trust her about as far as I can throw her[/I]He noticed the hostility in her tone had mostly evaporated, but he still was on guard somewhat. The biggest lesson he took from this whole encounter was not to fly around recklessly as it almost ended with him in custody if not for the enraged altered who was itching to put agents of the law in a body bag. “Oh yeah off the record? Well I can’t turn into Floydzilla if that’s what your asking clearly, and I ain’t related to her either.” Floyd made sure to stress that he had no relation to Lori Martinez which was true he didn’t want to be tied to her. “Honestly I [I]want[/I] her dead before her actions get all the altered hunted & killed, but if you really wanna owe me a favor look the other way on the ID, unless you want the whole world to get wiped out. You won’t believe me but I’m trying to stop the end of the world, and having the authorities hunt me down might make it harder.” "What do you mean the end of the world? What do you know?" Anya inquired, trying think back to the previous briefings she's had at Liberty. Nothing to this extent had ever come up, not that she could remember at least. The agent then reached in her pocket and gave back Floyd's fake ID in good faith. Maybe he would tell her some more information, maybe he wouldn't, but it was a start. "Here, I won't have a need for this," she added, having already memorized his name and address. If that was correct, it'd be useful for the future. "I meant what I said, honestly. I jumped the gun back there and I do recognize that. I mean, you were just flying, not destroying the city..." Anya caught herself as she went off on a tangent, clearing her throat. "Floyd, who told you all this?" Floyd sighed knowing that talk about the end of the world made him sound crazy as well as how he found out even if it was true. He happily accepted is fake ID back slipping it into his wallet. [i]No doubt she probably memorized this shit, now I gotta be even more careful with the drugs & actually selling ID's..[/i] "No one told me, you brought up the multiple powers thing right, well the first one and the worst one I ran into.....lets me see glimpses of the future..." Floyd's voice trailed off even with all these powers he felt silly talking about seeing the future. After all it didn't stop him from almost getting arrested but the power wasn't that easy to manage "I've been getting visions of everyone on the planet dying about a year from now, and something to do with some Operation KIVA. To be honest I don't know if it's weapons or powers or both, but I'm guessing all the people who matter and can stop this shit like the feds or the strongest altered are either unaware or too wrapped up in there own problems too care." He’d whipped out his phone & went to his Uber app to type in the address of the hospital Rita was at. Anya had gotten one point across for sure, he wasn’t about to go flying again. "Operation KIVA," she whispered to herself. Anya hadn't heard of the term before, but she would bring it up to Jonah. Maybe, just [i]maybe[/i] he could have heard about it through the grapevine. "That's, um...that's big. I need to look into this..." It was then Anya reached into one of the inside pockets in her jacket and handed Floyd her business card. It didn't have much on there other than her contact information under her alias, Jennifer Donovan. "I would love for you to stay in touch. I'm going to dig around and see what else I can come up with and I'll let you know. We can work together on this, keeping Liberty out of it. In fact, I have some resources of my own so I don't need to go through official government channels..." And with that, Anya turned around to leave. She had a slight limp, and she pulled out the small radio magically still attached to her belt in order to get a hold of Jonah. Floyd just nodded his had in agreement as she repeated the name of the world ending project that haunted his precognitive nightmares. Although his roommate Mike was aware of the visions themselves, so far he’d only divulged the apocalyptic nature of them to Amalia & now this government agent who only moments ago tried to take him down the road for the super-powered equivalent of being black while driving. [I]Wait maybe I shouldn’t be going around just saying shit about this or I could fuck up time, nah fuck that I’m dreaming about every city getting roasted like my auntie’s slabs on the 4th of July this shit GOTTA change[/I] Floyd instantly pulled away from any thoughts of trying to shy away from the violent gritty facts of the future his powers were allowing him to witness. True enough most of his knowledge on the future, & tampering with time or events yet to come came from NBC’s Heroes, X Men Days of Future Past & Back to the Future but at the risk of 7 billion lives getting incinerated he was willing to take his chances, he’d played with worst odds in the past & made it through just fine. Without any further fuss he took Anya’s business card and slipped tin his wallet. ”Thank you” His first connection with an form of agent, maybe it would be beneficial. Her final words interested him the most, and he pondered if she had a darker side. Cuffs aside he was always thrilled by a strong pretty woman with a secret. “Hmm your own channels huh, we might need them fa’sho.” He added before seeing his Uber was less than five minutes aw ay taking his attention away from the gorgeous Russian agent limping away to parts unknown.