[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean barely looked up when Mika sat down beside him. The subjects she would likely ask about were not things he knew if he could talk about, out loud. He sent everything over to Bobby, and after the small conversation, he finally looked over at her, attempting to not portray too much annoyance at her asking if he was okay, earlier. “I’m fine…”, he muttered, his voice not at all convincing. He placed his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes roughly with his thumb and fingers. He wanted to tell her everything, but even as the visions of Hell and the pain of the racks played over and over in his mind, just as he sat there with her, and every time he closed his eyes, he couldn’t say the words. “I um…I’m just worried about Sam. You know. All this angel stuff is pretty intense.”, he explained, sighing heavily. He didn’t notice Bobby staring at him from across the room. Bobby pulled out his cellphone, fumbling around with his fingers, as he rarely texted. He shot a text to Mika. [center] [i] I think this is about Hell. Take him outside. See what you can get out of him.[/i][/center] He pressed send and kept his eyes on Mika, waiting for her to receive the message as he took a drink of whiskey and kept peering over the images of Lucifer and hellfire. He had a sinking feeling that Dean remembered everything, in the pit. He couldn’t imagine that even angels would be able to scrub the demons influence from his brain. [h3] Annabeth and Cason [/h3] Cason reached a hand out to Esme, trying to turn his attention away from the obsession Annabeth seemed to have with being near the younger Winchester. He helped her stand up, steadying her with both hands as he did so, “Let’s go back to the room and get your stuff. I won’t teleport us anywhere, just don’t drive like a maniac.” He spoke the words with a warm smile, which caused Annabeth to narrow her eyes in confusion. There was no way for them to understand why he was clinging to Esme, almost as if she was a drug, or something. Annabeth reached out for Sam, grabbing her small backpack from the floor as he decided to walk her to the car. She knew that the best option was to get to Sioux Falls, and meet with this ‘Bobby Singer’. If he could help, she would be safe there. They would all be safe there. As she sat down in the car, she leaned her head back, attempting to prepare herself for riding in a car with no eyes once again. In her head, a voice she didn’t recognize began to speak to her. Trying not to draw Sam’s attention to her noticing the noise, she bit her lip and listened. [i][b] Hello, love. You haven’t met me yet, and I want to introduce myself formally. Just know that I’m here. You only need to ask. And it’s best that you keep this away from Dean Winchester. I’m not sure he’s ready to see me again, just yet. I can fix your eyes. I’m your one ally, you’ll find. Keep that in mind.[/b][/i] The voice almost spoke in a poem, before stopping completely and leaving her confused. She sighed and turned her face toward Sam as he entered the car, with her. Suddenly, the voice was all she could think about.