[quote=@eemmtt] I am interested in join in. I have a idea for a Elite merc with electric powers. [/quote] I don't think we'll be playing as Elites in this campaign. [quote=@malmshodes] [@Dead Cruiser] I'm still playing around with a character who has awareness abilities. I like the idea of a detective character whose capable of understanding things beyond themselves, but I'm not sure how to add an offensive edge. [/quote] [url=https://www.glockstore.com/assets/images/products/Glock-19-9mm_main-1.jpg?resizeid=7&resizeh=275&resizew=275] I got your offensive edge right here.[/url] In seriousness, your character does not need to have a power to cover every eventuality; we're working as a team after all. Also, for allocating powers 12-13 "dots" is about normal for an average, perhaps inexperienced Nova. Power also increases exponentially with dots, not linearly, so keep that in mind.