*VOIDED*VOIDED*VOIDED* *VOIDED*VOIDED*VOIDED* “Captain,” an automated voice sounded to Captain DeBaker, “station scans show, that all crew members have arrived. They are currently awaiting further instruction.” Captain DeBaker remained motionless as she seemed to have found her way to her quarters. Her expression was blank and her body swayed side to side slowly, methodically. “Captain,” the automated voice came to life again, “I am reading unstable health signs. Might you see your way to the medbay?” As the Freighter’s AI finished it’s questioning, DeBaker fell unconscious onto the floor. A red light appeared on the large monitor in her room. It portrayed the eye of the AI. “Emergency SOS Activated,” the AI sounded, “all crew members, make your way to dock 5. Any leave you have accrued is now voided. Failure to respond will result your expulsion from the crew.” — Dalkalo sat in a corner of the Twilight Horizon. He knew very little of his new captain, but in due time he would meet her. He sat on edge, twitching, at the sight of the door every time it opened. He would periodically plug and unplug a tube attached to his mask so that he could drink it. He had scanned everyone in the room, countless times. His anxiety rising nearly blowing the top of his skull off. ‘Where is the captain? Is she here already? The crew could be any of these people here,’ He regularly thought. There was a man that caught his attention more than once. He was definitely a giant, one hell of a mechanic. Except this guy had, “look at me, and I will punch your face in,” kind of look on his face. He fumbled with his drinking tube when his PDA activated red. He quickly noted that he could hear the same odd hum, but couldn’t see them when he turned his attention to what it was saying. Before focusing in, he let out a soft sigh noticing the giant wasn’t receiving the same message. “Emergency SOS Activated,” his PDA announced, “all crew members, make your way to dock 5. Any leave you have accrued is now voided. Failure to respond will result your expulsion from the crew.” Dalkalo shot to his feet. ‘An emergency?’ Without taking a second look, he tossed money on the table for his drink, and rushed out of the Twilight Horizon. He studied the station for the past three months when he was on break from the small end jobs he took up. He knew that taking the elevator to the freight yard would be unpredictable, and he was confident in his physical ability to make it to the freighter in half the time. “Notice, report directly to the Captains Living Quarters,” his PDA blurted abruptly. ‘What!? How am I supposed to know where that is?’ He questioned himself as he bolted to the ship after reaching the freight yard. He rushed up the ramp and into the ships cargo hold. “Navigator Dalkalo reporting in,” he said into his PDA, “where are the living quarters?” He said as his eyes landed on a corridor label marked Living Quarters. He rolled his eyes and thought he should have responded with nevermind. Dalkalo stopped in the doorway as he saw Captain DeBakers body laying on the floor. ‘Uh-oh,’ he could only think to himself as he stared in awe. *VOIDED*VOIDED*VOIDED* *VOIDED*VOIDED*VOIDED*