[hider=OOC]Thanks for waiting y'all! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming[/hider] The edge of town? Way too far away. The radio station? Probably a trap. Like any sane person you decided the Police Station would be the safest bet. IF you couldn't get them on the phone, maybe you could talk to them in person. You loaded up onto Christine as Lola grabbed on for dear life; only now did you realize the dead man's grip she had on you while you rode. You gave Christine a couple of kicks before she started once more and the two of you were off towards the Police station. [hr] The further into 'downtown' (if it could even be called that) you got, the worse things appeared. After speeding through the residential area you realized there was nobody around. Normally there were still a few TVs on in homes or car driving around but instead you saw nothing but empty streets and the occasional left ajar door. Getting into downtown proper you began seeing tidbits of carnage similar to what happened at work. Broken glass and car pile ups became more and more prevalent until finally you came to the now dilapidated looking Police station. You were now very doubtful of any help still being inside but on the account that you hadn't seen any other things like the man from the grocery store, you felt confident enough to at least take a look inside. All else fails you might be able to find a gun or something. Kicking out the kick stand, you got off the bike and began to head inside when a voice from behind you piped up. "We're not actually going in there right? I mean look at it!" Lola said, still on the back of the motorcycle "I know it was my idea to come here and all but something bad [i]obviously[/i] happened here right? We might as well get out of town at this point!" Despite the fact you were now much closer to leaving town, you didn't like traveling without a means of defence, at least not any further. You gave Lola a small shrug and continued to head inside. Your act of indifference or Lola's unwillingness to be alone was enough to entice your co-worker to follow you inside. [center][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/73001134_2682710208656749_6150674308154502898_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=03-CbYs5l6AAX8IJepA&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=a2a04075e54a82cf3251fca1bd17ebc6&oe=60E06E2F[/img][/center] The inside of the station looked about as good as the outside did. Debris littered the ground and all the lights in the station were out. You weren't a huge trouble maker but you'd found yourself on the wrong side of the law just enough times to know the general layout of the station. Down one hall is where you presumed the police lockers were. This station didn't have any armoury but your best bet for getting a gun would probably be there, maybe in evidence. As you got ready to go though, the sound of something clattering to the floor grabbed your attention as your eyes shot down another hallway that lead to the holding cells. Any other day you'd write it off as nothing but tonight you were especially weary. Swallowing you courage, you decide... -[i][abbr=There's no guarantee of weapons in here and at the moment there's a higher chance of someone or something else stalking the station, ready to grab you or Lola. Maybe getting out of here is the better bet]To get out of there and go [to the Radio Station / out of town].[/abbr][/i] -[i][abbr=Weapon first, sound later. You'll be much be better off defending yourself if you have a pistol or something. Mind you, if you spend too much time rummaging you might end up attracting whatever is in the station and then you'll be boxed in.]To look fo a weapon.[/abbr][/i] -[i][abbr=Whatever's down there you might be able to get the jump on or at least see if it's friendly. If it's a cop you might be better off letting them take car of the shooting. If it's a monster you might be able to sneak away before it sees you.]To check out the sound.[/abbr][/i]