[h3] Cason [/h3] Cason stayed close to Esme as she stood up and began walking out the door. He smirked at her retort to him, and shrugged his shoulders, “Noted. No teleporting, unless it’s an emergency…And the way you shoot people…and punch people…I have a hard time believing you’re a safe driver.” He chuckled lightly, following her out the door. He stayed as close to her as he could, without making her uncomfortable. He wanted to make sure that if she was still feeling any effects from him popping them into the room, he could keep her from hurting herself. As she gathered her things in their room, he held his arms out several times with a ‘I’ll get that’ but noticed that she never asked for his help. Crossing his arms, he let her finish picking up all of her things and then followed her like a shadow out to the car. He smiled a bit at the internal dialogue that skated through his head, thinking about her being super independent, but stuck with a demon guard dog. As she entered the car, he stepped into the passenger seat, closing the door after he had both his legs in. His brain lit up with a bit of noise as he did so, and he placed a hand on his forehead, rubbing it lightly. Usually that only happened when Annabeth was having one of her visions, or hearing voices. He stared ahead, looking through Sam’s back window as Esme started the car and asked if he was ready. Turning back to her with a bit of a flinch, he nodded, “Yeah. I’m good to go when you are. I just need to make a phone call, on the way…” He pulled out his phone, and dialed one of his underlings. As the man answered, Cason sighed and spoke, “I need you to help keep an eye on Sam Winchester’s car…yeah the one in the front. Oh is that right? Alastair is topside…great.” He paused as he thought about what the man had said on the other side. He had asked if they should tell Dean Winchester about Alastair being on earth. He shook his head gently. “No. Don’t say a word to him, until we figure out what’s going on with the angels. Worst comes to worst, we let the feather dusters have it. Absolute worst case scenario…I believe Anna might can handle it. But, we won’t know until the Angels figure it out.”, he explained, before closing his phone and turning to stare at the car in front of them again, no words spoken. He fully expected for Esme to ask questions, which he would answer the best he could.