[h2] Dean Winchester [/h2] Dean stared petrified at Sam as he came down the stairs. Hands were shaking and he flinched as Sam touched his arm. He wasn’t honestly ready to see what was behind the door. He didn’t know how the baby would come out, or if it had survived. He didn’t want to see Amy, or what was left of her after pushing the monster out into the world. He didn’t want to go in at all. But he nodded, and reached forward to grip the door. Reluctantly, he pulled the heavy iron door and stepped into the room. He was honestly shocked as he stepped in. There wasn’t blood on every wall, or even much on the floor. It actually took him a second to see any blood anywhere. There was no baby to be seen, but Amy was lying on the tiny bed in the center of the room. The table of medical supplies still sat beside her, and the only blood in the room was spread across a sheet laid over her, and the floor below the table. He stomped his foot gently on the floor and closed his eyes, “Dammit…” His mind was everywhere. Was the baby born? Maybe it was born with wings. Maybe it got up and ran away. Maybe it never came out at all, and they both died. He sighed, stepping around the bed, to stand next to the counter. “Dammit Sammy…”, he started, bowing his head, “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this…I…” He trailed off as his eyes, scanning to room, caught the glimpse of a figure in the corner of the room, just out of the darkness. The figure appeared to be a young woman and she was rocking. He tapped Sam’s arm to alert his attention toward the woman. He stepped forward toward the girl as a shockwave sounded within the room, catching Sam and Dean both in slow motion. Dean attempted to pull his gun and shoot at the girl, his hands were moving too slow to make it to the gun, and they were suddenly dropped. Dean shot toward the corner, hitting the brick and chipping it. As he landed on his feet, he shuffled around, attempting to find the woman, but she was nowhere to be found. “What the hell was that?!”