[@FunnyGuy] [color=orange]"Way too many if I'm going to be honest,"[/color] he answered. [color=orange]"I think the two best questions to ask would be, why was I 'awoken' here? And is there some kind of crisis I should know about? It's usually the deal in stories like this. Name's Lex by the way."[/color] She looked on with some envy as he lit up a cigarette. [i]Why the hell not.[/i] The Witch removed her hood and touched her fingers to the edges of the mask. When the latches disconnected, she removed it. [center][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/7864/32590488148_2d9fcf7934.jpg[/img][/center] The woman seated herself cross-legged beside him, leaned forward a little, and leveled her gaze at him. A slight half-smile played on her lips. [color=violet]"I'll trade you the story, the plan, and my name for a cigarette."[/color]