Gansu cursed as he smacked against the wall of the hallway, barely catching himself as the Roanoke shuddered all around him. He closed his eyes for half a second, hoping against hope that it was just an accident. That he would be able to continue on his way to get his cigarettes and then get his leave. As the lights went out, and there was no overhead proclaiming that everything was under control, he let out a deep sigh. "Fuck!" With that, he was off and sprinting towards the hangar. The captain's voice rang out above him as Ingram's voice rang through his comms. Gansu yelled as he ran, trying to cut down the three minutes even further. "Eva! St-" He was cut off as the VI program appeared in front of him. [i]"Yes LIEUTENANT MATHEN? how may I-" [/i] "Shutthefuckupshutthefuckup! Activate the Titan's engines and get it ready for combat!" Gansu cursed, waving a hand through the hologram as he sprinted through the halls. He narrowly dodged various crew members as they sprinted by him to their own battle stations. The zero G was a blessing right now, as he was able to go to the roof and around as necessary to avoid a traffic jam. Gansu cursed as he went. Of [i]course[/i] the Coalition would attack right now. They couldn't just let them breathe for one week. Nooo, they absolutely had to attack right when there was light at the end of the tunnel and he was about to rest and relax. Fuckers. [i]"As you say, L-" [/i] "Just do it already!" Gansu shouted again, waving at Eva in exasperation. If he ever found the Coalition bastard who had hit Eva to make her so damn pushy he was going to kill them. He snorted in amusement as he moved through the halls. Of course he was going to kill them. That was his whole job. He darted through the buzzing activity of the hanger, quickly recovering to the artificial gravity, and was pleased to see that Titan ready and waiting. "I'm coming Hyperion!" He called out, waving his hands side to side over his head in excitement. As annoying as this interuption was, he couldn't get over the giddyness of being able to blow [i]more[/i] things up. He scrambled into the open chest cavity and slammed his fist on the close button. The various trinkets he had installed inside jingled as the cavity closed up. Taking a deep breath to calm his instinctive paranoia about the cavity nevery opening, he jammed his helmet on his head and sealed his suit. He began going through the motions with an audible sigh of relief as his vision began to match what the MAS saw. In the brief moment he had before the comms would have to activate, he spoke into the emptyness of Hyperion. "Hey, in this upcoming battle, remember who gave you alcohol and food to comfort you in the darkness of space." Gansu rolled his shoulders and moved his body, checking that Hyperion was responding well. As the rest of the 7th came into his field of vision, he gave a soft smile. "And remember who his friends are. Zoom included in that!" The last bit was added hastily, to ensure no spirits got mischevious with him. "Eyes here." He nodded in confirmation of Ingram's orders. "Understood Boss, Roanoke has prio. I'll stay with her." He lumbered out into the vast expanse space. He took another calming breath as he saw the Coaliton fleet in the distance, and began piloting himself onto the Roanoke herself. He sent out one last request into the dead of space. "Please remember good ole Gansu and his squad." He settled into waiting as D-eye and Pips did their thing. This was the part he hated most. He had to wait for Pips to draw off some targets for D-eye and to make some targets for Grizzly and himself. Didn't mean he had to like it. Still, it worked like a charm. Those damned annoying Garmrs were pulled after Pips and made ideal targets for D-eye and rest of the squad. Oh, how he hated those fast little fuckers. The Hyperion began to shift impatiently as the remaining MAS were closing the distance. He couldn't get any closer without leaving the Roanoke, but it was torture just [i]waiting[/i] for the enemy to get in range. It wasn't a long wait, a few seconds at most, but it felt like eternity. Gansu's eyes began to twitch in excitement as he saw one of the Fenrirs get within range. Since the Hardballers were still screened behind the others, they were priority. He brought up the firing system and aimed his cannons at four likely targets, a grin on his face. "This is Eyes, clear down range, firing on Fenrirs." With a familiar, comforting, rumbling [i]boom[/i] the autocannons fired. Four shells arced through space towards and Gansu held his breath in excitement. Two of them hit their mark. The Fenrir III at the head of the squad absorbed the shell on its shields. It recoiled nonetheless, but the shields were still standing. The Fenrir II behind it was less lucky. The shell hit it in the chest and exploded in a glorious shower of shrapnel, and the Fenrir II was left a floating ruin in the middle of a space battle. The other two shells were dodged by the Fenrir IIs, and all of them noted Gansu. He brought Hyperion's alloy shields up as the rain of retaliation fire scattered across him and the Roanoke. He began moving upwards, just incase they decided to fire their missiles at him. He didn't want the Roanoke to be behind him and leave him with only the choice of 'take the hit or let the ship be hit.' "I seem to have gotten their attention! Anyone who would like to shoot them back, note that the Mk III's shields are weakened."