[color=9e0039]Cecily Abraham[/color] Location: Winter Carnival Interactions: None Cecily stood staring around at all of the animals passing, eyes narrowed and interested. She, for the most part, didn't care that she was standing directly in the walkway, except for when someone purposefully elbowes and jostles her. That happened right now, and someone - they were too quick to let her see their face - muttered lowly in an irritated tone. "Watch it," they grumbled. This truly infuriated Cecily, because she [i]had[/i] been watching it. That was exactly what she was doing. She snapped back at him, [color=9e0039]"[i]You[/i] watch it, sir… miss… whatever you are."[/color] Her voice raised at that part, so it could reach the mystery animal. [color=9e0039]"You know who you are!"[/color] Mumbling half-hearted insults under her breath, she almost returned to watching, but decided that maybe it really would be best if she just moved out of the way. After all, the view didn't matter. It wasn't like she would've been able to fly to watch up and around, and she was not an actual fly who can see things very well in all angles. Actually, this would be worth it. She could just watch everyone as she walked around and looked at all the carnival had to offer. She did so love carnivals, and hopefully it would be a good stress-relief for her. Cecily suppressed a happy-shout and it instead came out as a squeak. She ignored that mistake and clapped her hands together, startling a little more than a few others around her.