[center][img] https://i0.wp.com/nerdsonearth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/dndmobile-br-1559158957902.jpg [/img][/center] [i]The city of Kothana is under attack of a ferocious Red Dragon, and it's army of Draconian soldiers, word has been sent for help. That's where You come in, you are a wondering adventurer in search of a new quest. You read one of the many bounties sent thru the realm, and you follow the map provided.[/i] [b]RTD Rules are simple, I roll a D6 that determines your character's action. Use the color YELLOW for their Actions. D6 1. Fumble, critical mishap. 2. Miss 3. Grazed 4. Hit 5. Critical Hit 6. Death[/b] [b]CS Name: Race: Class: Gender: Armor: Weapons: Misc:[/b]