[table][row][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200927/5bf52b9afcc1a39fcd361d46b5fb42c2.png[/img] [color=2e2c2c]x x x x x x x x[color=lavender][/color][color=mediumaquamarine][/color] x x[/color][/cell][cell][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581497240573444097/757439028592377916/Emiho.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] [color=dimgray]Emi would definitely have been lying if she claimed that she expected to fight a pro hero one day. If it hadn't been for the confidence spewing forth from her fellow interns, or from Snake-Eyes for that matter, Emiho would have been all nerves. But the long drive surrounded by these extremely confident people left her wellspring of emotion almost fully within the positive spectrum. If they were gonna fight then and if Snake-Eyes wanted their all then Emiho was going to do her best. As the others set about making their opening moves, Emiho activated her [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/846175233161166909/847684809907634186/Duality.png]suit[/url] and expelled any remaining negative emotion within her. Capturing the emission into one of her 'darkbangs'. This caused a moment of flux in her quirk but she quickly reigned it in as her eyes became red, her hair shifted to a bright purple, and her skin glowed. Looking at her allies, she knew that each of them was better suited for close-up combat than she was. Even Shinon with her control over water. If Emi got too close to try and obstruct the hero's vision it would affect the others as well. Surely Snake-Eyes already had a plan to deal with them so they needed to think outside of the box when it came to their abilities. It wasn't ideal but Emi came up with a plan in case the other's full-frontal assault ended up failing. She began taking small potshots at Snake-Eyes to be more of a nuisance while conserving as much energy as possible. If the fight lasted long enough and she could keep her output lower than her input then the end of the battle would end in a flash.[/color] [hr] [center][sup][/sup][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210607/ca3083c75dc984cc92384e9aa9b48aec.png[/img][hr][hider=Hibiki] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/846175233161166909/849811369489989662/image0.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] Looking around the room the various heroes and heroes-to-be were slowly making their pairings and leaving the room. Some that Hibiki had his eye on had gone in other directions. That was understandable. He was new to the top ten and a very unnerving individual. However, lower numbers were ideal as it would give more time to work directly with each intern. One person who had been a potential prospect was approaching him and a wry smile graced his face. [color=mediumaquamarine]"It is a pleasure to meet you Mime. You already know my hero name but when I am not wearing my work clothes I prefer my name be used, Kuno Hibiki. Builds a little more comradery in my opinion. I hope you like working hard. Let's go ahead and skedaddle, other than you I only see one person remaining I'd think would fit in at my agency."[/color] Pushing off the wall, Hibiki motioned for Oto to follow. He then approached the girl made of paper. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Shiroko Sekkei, aka Sketch. I'll skip the pleasantries for now but I think you along with Mime here would fit right in at my agency. Whether you join or not is up to you but the offer is open for the two of you."[/color]