[hider=Yonaka Aimi: Will Break Knees for Food] Name: Yonaka Aimi Appearance:[img] https://64.media.tumblr.com/706508baa1ad1d05eada74491d3afe03/tumblr_poxsgm63p61rh42r4_1280.png[/img] Favorite School Subject: Music Favorite Food: [i]Boys.[/i] Theme Song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qApYiwdYjU0[/youtube] Why They Fight: Because she loves the Sarayashiki Gang. It's her family. But perhaps even more than that, she loves Minato Ishida. Even if she doesn't want to admit a weakness like that, it's true. She has a serious crush on him, which is something she isn't supposed to have on anyone. Background/Personality: Yonaka Aimi has a reputation of being a cruel, manipulative, and sadistic man-eater. And while some of it is based in reality, mostly it's just because she's a heart-breaker and some people get mad about getting dumped. Especially members of street gangs. Aimi plays a dangerous game, that's for sure, but it's a fun one. Aimi is a thrill-seeker in all aspects of life. Where's the fun if there's no risk? Aimi is sarcastic, wry, yet fun-loving and extroverted. Often she teases people she cares about, occasionally going too far by accident. She acts pretty arrogant, but she'll apologize and try to get on the good side of other members of the gang because she cares about them too much to let her stupid ego get in the way. But there's no mercy for the people she dislikes, and she enjoys messing with or otherwise hurting her enemies. Aimi is actually pretty good in a fight, having had some official training, mostly relying on kicks to soften up her opponent and then going in for the win with some head strikes or her baseball bat if things are serious. Aimi chases thrills because her home life is so exceptionally boring to her. Her family is actually middle class, but her mother and father are in a loveless relationship with each other and her father hardly has any affection for her. Her mother is also emotionally exhausted, though she probably does still care. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her and are overall just detatched and miserable people that Aimi strongly dislikes being around. As such she spends as little time home as possible, rebelling against the soul-crushing system that she blames for her hollow home-life. Be it by joining a gang or pursuing her many romantic interests. As such, Aimi is all about close emotional connections, she cherishes them very much. Those who know her know that her tough girl persona is just that- a persona. Since she has money to spare she secretly gives it to charities or uses it to buy gifts for her friends: though she'll always say she stole it from somewhere or got it after she beating up three guys at once. Not that she got it as part of her allowance. She never speaks of home and always tries to conceal the route she takes to get back there, it's a part of herself she's quite ashamed of. Aimi is an aspiring musician, and when she grows up she wants to create audio art. A lot of her work, that she had recorded and mixed herself with a surprising amount of hard work and effort, has a dark, mysterious, but relaxed vibe to it. Ishida is one of the few people in her life that actually seems to appreciate who she is and who she is trying to be. While she enjoys chasing and getting chased by boys (and occasionally girls), the soft-spoken, intelligent leader who believes in her has her heart all wrapped up. From her point of view, he saved her from the lifeless path her existence was about to follow when they first met. [/hider]