[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise[/center] Annalise remained silent, her smile ever present. She watched the suitors as they interacted with her father, or didn’t. As she watched she caught one of the Princes showing at least some interest in one of her younger sisters. The Prince that chose to remain silent. She watched him for a moment, trying to not make it obvious. It helped that her right eye never truly focused on anything in this case. It was common knowledge in the kingdom that the eldest Princess was born with no sight in her right eye. Though she wasn’t sure how far into other countries that knowledge extended. She doubted any of the suitors knew this fact so she would use it to her advantage when observing them. The large blonde male did his best to communicate in their native tongue but it wasn’t the best. It seemed the Half-Orc Prince knew their language well though she wasn’t surprised by this fact. She knew from her studies that the newer Kingdom of Afdan was a mix of members from every other kingdom and race so she was sure at least he would have no problem speaking. She knew bits and pieces about the other countries as well and hoped that she knew enough about whichever suitor chose her that she didn’t accidentally offend them. Whereas before she was a little nervous, not that it was real the nerves were starting to make her stomach hurt. [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bMteDNt.png[/img][/center] [center] Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan [/center] Prince Gil shrank back a bit after presenting his gift as his father had instructed. It seemed he was the only one to come with a gift. It was tradition in his kingdom to present gifts to the father of the woman one wished to take as a wife and it was even more important when that woman was the daughter of a Chief, or in this case, the daughter of another King. He side eyed his guard, unhappy about accidentally making the other suitors look bad, or embarrassing them. Aldar seemed unfazed by the Prince’s actions and was focused more on the surroundings than anything else. However the moment Gil began to slouch in an attempt to make himself look smaller the older orc elbowed him. Gil hated it but remained at his full height. Unsure of what to do next.