[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean sighed, wanting to tell her ‘no’ because he knew she wanted to take him outside to talk. He didn’t want to talk. He wanted to wait for his brother. He wanted to bury his thoughts in work. But he also knew Mika wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. So, he reluctantly stood from the table and started walking, stepping out the back door and onto the lot. Once he was outside, he waited for her to step out the door and threw his hands up a bit, “What is it? Did Bobby say something? If this is about Hell, I don’t remember anything…and even if I did, I don’t want to talk about it.” He brought up the subject of Hell without her even saying it, and didn’t even realize he had headed her off. His fear of her finding out what he did while he was in the pit terrified him. She would never look at him again, if she found out. If she found out that he was still thinking about it every single night, she might not trust him to be around her, or anyone. No one should have. Tears started bubbling up in his eyes, unprovoked, only run by his own thoughts as he stared at her with pleading eyes. “I can’t…” [h3] Cason[/h3] Cason sighed and adjusted himself as Esme asked about the phone call. He knew she would ask, and he honestly had to trust her at this point, if he was going to stay with her. So, he cleared his throat and looked over at her. “You can’t say a word to any of the Winchesters about any of this…”, he muttered, rubbing his eyebrow a bit with his eyes closed, “There’s an old…friend of Deans that has found himself on the trail of all of this, like a hound. We’re not exactly on the best of terms, and I’m pretty sure that after Dean was able to pop himself out of Hell, for whatever reason, they probably aren’t besties anymore.” As he explained, he waved his hand around, trying to get through the bulk of the information as easily as possible, against his better judgement. “And this ‘friend’ of Dean Winchesters is also interested in Anna. We don’t know why, or to what extent. That’s why I’m keeping my guys back, and Dean Winchester cannot know that he is around. One false move from the over emotional, and this whole thing blows up in our faces…and she could potentially be used as some sort of fucked up weapon, her and Sam…” He opened his eyes and looked at her, scanning eyes after the information dump. He knew it would be overwhelming, but he wanted her to know that she was safe, even if the others weren’t….for now, at least. “But don’t worry. I’m sending my dogs to Bobby Singer’s place. They’ll take care of us…”, he finished. ——- As they arrived in Sioux Falls, he smiled, seeing two of the Hell hounds he had broken free from Crowley following close to the cars. He knew the humans in the group couldn’t see them, but they gave him a breath of fresh air. As everyone parked, he got out, trying to be covert as he walked over to his favorite girl Hellhound and scratching under her chin. He glanced around, trying to keep his motions small, even as she breathed hot air onto his face, and blew a bit of the hair on the top of his head as she did. “Good girl. Stay here…but come get me if you see anything. Okay?”, he whispered to her, causing her to paw at his leg. He pulled away from her, and walked over to join the others, shoving his hands in his pockets. [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Annabeth stirred from her daydream as Sam pulled onto gravel, and she felt a familiar wave come over her. This place was safe, she could feel it. As they passed cars, she also felt like they were passing beings, turning her head to them. She could see the faint outline of what appeared to be large dogs lining the driveway - around six of them. She furrowed her eyebrows and watched them as they followed the cars, and then met up with Cason as everyone parked. “That’s weird…”, she muttered quietly before Sam spoke up. She turned to him with her eyebrows raised and agreed with his words, “You can say that again. They are going to lose their minds at my eyes being missing. Your brother seems a little high strung to see something like this…” She spoke her mind about Dean, having felt like he was either scared of her, or just wanted to kill her since the moment she met him. She couldn’t imagine what he would say about her surviving such a horrific angel attack. She stepped out of the car as they parked, waiting for Sam to meet her around the side. As she stepped out, Cason joined them, and she had a million questions, but kept them to herself as the dogs seemed to all be following his orders.