[h2]Assassin[/h2][hr]Assassin observed the drama before him. After heard one the young mage responsible for this carnage speak about six others, he more or less formulated the idea that they were involved in some form of unsanctioned ritual based on the Holy Grail War. As it would turn out, it seemed like his guess was true after all. "It seems like no matter the state of the world, whenever Masters and Servants gather together in a single place, a Holy Grail War is soon to follow," Assassin said. He may not have any clear memories during this summoning but he was certain that he had fought in many Holy Grail Wars in the past. "I believe it's best if we don't involve ourselves with these miscreants, Master. Of course, if you are willing to do the contrary I won't oppose it either," Assassin said after Shou came into the kitchen.